Sentence,Phrases, Clauses Definitions
Sentences - General
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1 - 10
Grammar 1. Worksheets 11 - 16
Grammar 1. Worksheets 17 - 26
Simple Sentences
Grammar 1. Worksheets 27 - 30
Compound Sentences
Grammar 1. Worksheets 31 - 34
Complex Sentences
Grammar 1. Worksheets 35 - 38
What Type of Sentence?
Grammar 1. Worksheets 39 - 40
A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand alone as a sentence as their meaning is not complete.
A phrase can do the work of an adjective, adverb or noun.
e.g. The boy with short hair is a good skater. (Adjective)
She left the basket near the tree. (Adverb)
The outcome of the survey will be known next week. (Noun)
A clause is a group of words that contains a finite verb and its subject. There are two types of clauses – a main (principal or independent) clause and a subordinate (dependent) clause.
Main Clause
A main (principal or independent) clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone and be a sentence.
e.g. Michael was given a stamp collection which belonged to his grandfather.
The dog that was barking ran across the paddock.
Subordinate Clause
A subordinate (dependent) clause does not make sense standing on its own. To make a
complete sentence a subordinate clause must be added to a main clause. A subordinate clause does the work of an adjective, adverb or noun. e.g. The elephant, which was twelve years old, was the star attraction. (Adjective) Every night, just before the sun set, he would feed the birds. (Adverb) I told him he should reconsider. (Noun)
A sentence is a group of words with at least one finite verb ( a verb with a subject). In speech and writing the basic unit of meaning is a sentence. A sentence has a complete meaning. A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. There are four types of sentences – statements, questions, commands or requests, and exclamations.
A statement simply states something or gives information and ends in a full stop.
e.g. The bread is ready.
I am freezing.
A question is a sentence that asks something and ends in a question mark.
e.g. Where are you going?
Why do you prefer that one?
Commands or Requests
A command or request direct someone to do something or give advice or warning and ends
with a full stop.
e.g. Take your marks.
Watch out for broken glass.
An exclamation expresses the strong feeling of the speaker or writer about something.
e.g. You’re fired!
Don’t stare at me like that!
There are three different kinds of sentences – simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences.
Simple Sentences
A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the finite verb is a part. e.g. The cat chased the mouse.
The verb is chased and it is finite because the cat is the subject. The rest of the sentence, chased the mouse is the predicate.
Sometimes a simple sentence does not appear to have a subject.
e.g. Stay there! Even though the word is not actually said, the speaker or writer is referring to you. They are really saying, (You) stay there! The subject is said to be understood.
Compound Sentences
A compound sentence consists of two or more main (principal or independent) clauses joined by one or more conjunctions.
e.g. The stolen car sped away and the police chased after it.
This compound sentence has two main clauses. They are:-
“the stolen car sped away”
“the police chased after it”
The two main clauses are joined by the coordinate conjunction “and”.
Complex Sentences
A complex sentence has at least one main (principal or independent) clause and one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses. e.g. The sofa was very cheap because it was old and tattered.
The main (principal or independent) clause is:-
“the sofa was very cheap”
The subordinate (dependent) clause is:-
“because it was old and tattered”
Worksheet 1.
A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete
thought. A sentence must contain a finite verb and
make sense by itself.
Decide whether the following groups of words are sentences.
1. Winter started early this year. …………………
(yes, no)
2. If you keep doing that. …………………
(yes, no)
3. I listened to the radio broadcast. …………………
(yes, no)
4. Georgina is my younger sister. …………………
(yes, no)
5. At the back of the factory. …………………
(yes, no)
6. When you knock on the back door. …………………
(yes, no)
7. Without waiting to hear the result. …………………
(yes, no)
8. The television is in the other room. …………………
(yes, no)
9. Deacon is a great friend of mine. …………………
(yes, no)
10. At the start of the day’s play. …………………
(yes, no)
Worksheet 2.
A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete
thought. A sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
Decide whether the following groups of words are sentences.
1. There was a book on the desk. …………………
(yes, no)
2. I will walk home with you. …………………
(yes, no)
3. After I locked the back door. …………………
(yes, no)
4. We visited every two weeks. …………………
(yes, no)
5. In the middle of the performance. …………………
(yes, no)
6. The waves broke over the small boat. …………………
(yes, no)
7. Over the fence by the gate. …………………
(yes, no)
8. On top of the video recorder. …………………
(yes, no)
9. During a long pause. …………………
(yes, no)
10. Pass me the blue pencil. …………………
(yes, no)
Worksheet 3.
Rewrite the following groups of words adding the appropriate
verb from the box to make a complete sentence.
flew like travels
sing washed snowed
1. My cousin to school by bus.
2. Last night it heavily.
3. Tamara her dirty hands.
4. The eagle back to its nest.
5. The three girls in the school choir.
6. I chocolate ice-cream.
Worksheet 4.
Rewrite the following groups of words adding the appropriate
verb to make a complete sentence.
rode planted flew live slithered croak
1. My grandparents in Adelaide.
2. I the horse without a saddle.
3. The gardener the seedlings.
4. The lizard under the rock.
5. The frogs at dusk.
6. We the kite on the oval.
Worksheet 5.
Rewrite the following groups of words adding the appropriate
verb to make a complete sentence.
ate works wrecked climbed fed sleeps
1. The crash the new car.
2. Our dog in its kennel.
3. I the scraps to the seagulls.
4. My dad at the service station.
5. We lunch before we went to the football.
6. We down the rope ladder.
Worksheet 6.
There are four types of sentences:- statements, questions,
commands and exclamations.
e.g. This is an excellent meal. (Statement)
How old are you? (Question)
Wipe your feet, please. (Command)
What a brilliant effort! (Exclamation)
Decide whether each sentence is a statement, question, command or exclamation.
1. Do you need any help? …………………
2. I will see you later this afternoon. …………………
3. What an incredible sight! …………………
4. My friend has moved to Perth. …………………
5. Come in and shut the door. …………………
6. What a glorious morning! …………………
7. Be quiet, please. …………………
8. Is this water fit to drink? …………………
Worksheet 7.
Decide whether each sentence is a statement, question, command or exclamation.
1. There was a red rose in the vase. …………………
2. What colour is the new car? …………………
3. An eagle is a majestic bird. …………………
4. Why did the show start early? …………………
5. What a magnificent sight! …………………
6. Move your shoes off the sofa, please. …………………
7. I can’t believe it! …………………
8. Keep off the garden. …………………
Worksheet 8.
Rearrange the words below so they make a complete sentence.
1. mouse caught cat the a has
2. blew to game the whistle the umpire start the
3. zoo the zebras saw the at we
4. jumper at my school I left
5. our tomatoes in grow garden we
6. willing help to is someone you
Worksheet 9.
Rearrange the words below so they make a complete sentence.
1. the hit ankle on the him ball
2. for making Mum pizza is tea a
3. was the attracted light mosquito the by
4. burnt house the old down was
5. pet vet took the parrot Greta to her
6. very is dolphin animal a intelligent a
Worksheet 10.
Rearrange the words below so they make a complete sentence.
1. from house coming smell the beneath the was
2. lesson the ended science a with quiz
3. carry is twenty licensed the passengers to bus
4. egg in there nest the one remaining was
5. covered were blossom in trees the pink
6. between was the hammock two tied trees
Worksheet 11.
A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand alone as a sentence as their meaning is not complete.
e.g. with long hair through the open gate the opening score
Select the best phrase to complete each of the sentences below.
on the skateboard after the disco
in a huge mess in our class
under the log when the waves improve
through the thick scrub with the large leaves
1. There are twenty eight students …………………....……….
2. The surfing contest will begin ……………..…...………….
3. We went straight home …………………….…..……….
4. The boy …………….……….…..…… is my brother.
5. The snake slid …………………..…………….…..…… .
6. The tree ……………………...……… is very fast growing.
7. We made slow progress …………..………………..…….
8. The untidy hikers left the camp site ……………..………….
Worksheet 12.
Select the best phrase to complete each of the sentences below.
at the supermarket towards the bus stop
in the valley into four pieces
with the red hair for over two minutes
from the tree in the thick jungle
1. The man sprinted ……………………………....……….
2. The girl ……………..………....………… is my cousin.
3. My brother has a job …………………….…..……….
4. The cabin …………….……….…..…… is made from pine logs.
5. The rope was cut …………………..…………….…..…… .
6. The tiger disappeared …………………………...……… .
7. The top spun …………..………………….…..…….
8. The broken twig fell ………………………..………….
Worksheet 13.
Phrases can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
e.g. The final result will be known soon. (Noun)
The flower with the yellow petals is a daisy. (Adjective)
I am leaving at six o’clock. (Adverb)
Decide whether the selected phrase does the job of a noun,
an adjective or an adverb.
1. I had forgotten the name of the town. …………………
2. The golf ball rested on the lip of the hole. …………………
3. Did you see the television news? …………………
4. The lady with the fur coat is our neighbour. …………………
5. The top of the car was covered in mud. …………………
6. I left my towel at the swimming pool. …………………
7. The house with the high fence needs painting. …………………
8. The sledge was dragged by four strong horses. …………………
9. The time of the robbery was not known. …………………
10. The dog, running in the park, is mine. …………………
Worksheet 14.
Phrases can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
e.g. The final result will be known soon. (Noun)
The flower with the yellow petals is a daisy. (Adjective)
I am leaving at six o’clock. (Adverb)
Decide whether the selected phrase does the job of a noun,
an adjective or an adverb.
1. Many vehicles skid because of the ice. …………………
2. Hovercrafts skim over the surface of the water. …………………
3. I cannot remember the name of the movie. …………………
4. The rabbit with long ears is rather cute. …………………
5. All the grapes were thrown into a large tub. …………………
6. The final score was embarrassing. …………………
7. The dolphin playing in the waves is young. …………………
8. His nose bled for at least five minutes. …………………
9. The room with the broken window is in a mess. …………………
10. The next race will be his last. …………………
Worksheet 15.
Write a word to replace the phrases below.
favourite enough ledge dense aloft now crust carefully
fragile password false ice
1. thickly packed together …………….……
2. as much as needed …………….……
3. a secret word …………….……
4. up in the air …………….……
5. the one you like best …………….……
6. with great care …………….……
7. frozen water …………….……
8. the hard outer part …………….……
9. right at this moment …………….……
10. easily broken …………….……
11. a narrow shelf …………….……
12. not true …………….……
Worksheet 16.
Write a word to replace the phrases below.
soon immediately heavy here fade twig equipment elegant
useful bald century jumble
1. very hard to lift …………….……
2. straight away …………….……
3. without any hair …………….……
4. in a short time …………….……
5. becomes less bright …………….……
6. graceful in appearance …………….……
7. in this place …………….……
8. a hundred years …………….……
9. a small branch …………….……
10. helpful to have …………….……
11. things for a particular job …………….……
12. an untidy muddle of things …………….……
Worksheet 17
A clause is a group of words that contain a finite verb and its subject. There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A main clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone.
A subordinate clause does not make sense by itself but adds
information to the main clause of the sentence.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)
Decide whether the selected clause is the main clause or the
subordinate clause in each of the following sentences.
1. The watch, which was given to me for my birthday, is lost.
(Main or Subordinate)
2. When the baby stops crying, I will have my dinner.
(Main or Subordinate)
3. I read the newspaper after I brushed my teeth.
(Main or Subordinate)
4. Alex did not compete because he was unwell.
(Main or Subordinate)
5. They will help you if you make an effort yourself.
(Main or Subordinate)
6. After the rain fell, the grass grew strongly.
(Main or Subordinate)
7. I fed the dog even though it tried to bite me.
(Main or Subordinate)
8. This is the café where we had lunch.
(Main or Subordinate)
Worksheet 18.
Decide whether the selected clause is the main clause or the
subordinate clause in each of the following sentences.
1. We must stay inside until the cyclone passes.
(Main or Subordinate)
2. After I have mowed the lawn, I am watching television.
(Main or Subordinate)
3. They built the new house where the former building had stood.
(Main or Subordinate)
4. You will not pass unless you work harder.
(Main or Subordinate)
5. The police chased the thieves who had stolen our car.
(Main or Subordinate)
6. When we arrived at the bus stop, the bus had already departed.
(Main or Subordinate)
7. The dog, which has a loud bark, lives next door.
(Main or Subordinate)
8. I just caught the train, which was on time for once.
(Main or Subordinate)
Worksheet 19.
Select the best main clause to complete each of the following sentences.
I know the man, I spoke to the detective
that is the athlete, we are going for a coffee
we missed the school bus, I looked after the neighbour’s cat,
the sun shone brightly, we are buying a new computer
1. …………………..………who was investigating the robbery.
2. ……..………....………… who broke the long jump record.
3. After the clouds broke up, …………………….…..……….
4. …………….…………………..…… although I didn’t like it.
5. …….………….………...…… who won first prize in the lottery.
6. …………………………...……… when we can afford it.
7. When the concert ends, …………..………………….…..…….
8. …………………….……..…………which left early.
Worksheet 20.
Select the best main clause to complete each of the following sentences.
the lesson will finish now, I am going straight home
we needed a rest, he spoke to the driver,
they went for a swim, Gemma did not enjoy the party,
this is the horse, you are in trouble
1. …………………….…..………so they could cool off.
2. ……..………..……..………… who owns the red dragster.
3. …………………….…….…..……… as much as I did.
4. Unless you have a good excuse ………………………..…….
5. When school finishes …….………….…….………...…….
6. …………………………...……… after we cleaned out the shed.
7. …………..………………….…..…… that can jump the hedge.
8. So you can go early, ……………………..….……..………….
Worksheet 21.
Some sentences contain two main clauses. If a sentence has two main clauses they are joined by a coordinate conjunction, such as:-
and but or so yet nor
e.g. The novel was short yet it was a bestseller.
I play soccer but my brother plays basketball.
Join the two main clauses to make a sentence using the coordinate conjunction “so” or “and”.
1. it rained solidly for three days
the rodeo was cancelled
2. a runner wearing an orange top finished first
a runner holding a drink bottle finished second
3. the teacher found his briefcase
the contents were undamaged
4. the school will close at two o’clock
we can go home before the river floods
Worksheet 22.
Some sentences contain two main clauses. If a sentence has two main clauses they are joined by a coordinate conjunction, such as:- and but or so yet nor
e.g. The novel was short yet it was a bestseller.
I play soccer but my brother plays basketball.
Join the two main clauses to make a sentence using the coordinate conjunction “or” or “but”.
1. we tried to get back into the game
it was too late
2. she spends a lot of time studying
she still finds time to relax
3. we should start packing up now
we will hold up the next group
4. you should not lie in the sun for long periods
you will regret it one day
Worksheet 23.
Select the best subordinate clause to complete each sentence below.
when it saw the hunter, when the car scraped the fence,
if you say that again, unless he gets his own way,
if the restaurant is closed, so they moved very carefully,
although the snow was poor, if it meets these sales forecasts
1. …………………….……...………..……, he gets very angry.
2. The business will succeed ……..………….…..……..………….
3. I enjoyed the skiing …………………….……….….…..……….
4. The deer ran for its life ………………………………..…..…….
5. The car door was damaged …….………….…….………...…….
6. They sensed the danger ………………….……………...……….
7. ………….…..…………….…..……, you will be asked to leave.
8. ………………………..….…….. , we will cook for ourselves.
Worksheet 24.
Select the best subordinate clause to complete each sentence below.
before you sit at the table, if you don’t pack them away,
while he calmed down, that she was stepping down,
if you are early, while we waited for the ferry,
what we intended to do, if you sit down and rest
1. We played cards ……………………..…………….…..……….
2. He went for a long walk ……………..………..……..………….
3. Madeline asked …………………….………….….…..……….
4. I will throw the magazines out …………………….……..…….
5. …….…….……….……...……, you are sure to get a good seat.
6. Go and wash your hands ……………….……………...……….
7. …………..……………………….…..……,you will feel better.
8. The coach announced ……………………..….……..………….
Worksheet 25.
Subordinate clauses can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
e.g. The bus driver announced that there would be a delay. (Noun)
The horse, which is standing over there, is a champion. (Adjective)
We ran into the gymnasium when it began to rain. (Adverb)
Decide whether the selected subordinate clause does the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
1. We left the beach when the sky clouded over.
2. I don’t know where the keys are kept.
3. The car, which you are washing, is owned by the principal.
4. I asked the policewoman who was standing on the corner.
5. I cannot help you because I am not very good at maths.
6. What could happen in the future is anybody’s guess.
7. Ben returned the book that I lent him last month.
8. The taxi driver did not know which was our street.
9. Mum told Emily that she could stay the night.
10. Stephanie did not compete because she had a sore shoulder.
Worksheet 26.
Decide whether the selected subordinate clause does the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
1. The teacher spoke to the boy who broke the window.
2. Sophie said she had no plans for the weekend.
3. The lady, who lives next door, is very good to us.
4. Winter is the time when our power bill goes up.
5. The principal announced that Friday will be a holiday.
6. I asked the new student where she had come from.
7. We visited the farm after we ate lunch.
8. What she does next depends on what opportunities arise.
9. After we finished our jobs we headed for the beach.
10. We picked the mushrooms which were growing in the backyard.
Worksheet 27.
SENTENCES (Simple Sentences)
A simple sentence has one main clause. It contains a finite verb and makes sense on its own. A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the finite verb is a part. The subject of a sentence can be a single noun or pronoun, a noun with an adjective or a group of words acting as a noun.
e.g. The yacht sailed across the lake.
The huge octopus gripped his leg.
Lettuces and peas are green vegetables.
The top of the cupboard was out of reach.
Choose the subject in each of the simple sentences below.
1. Jennifer brushed her hair. …………………………
2. Next year is a leap year. …………………………
3. The team of footballers filled the bus. …………………………
4. Our cat and dog are good friends. …………………………
5. The police pursued the bank robbers. …………………………
6. The savage dog chased the builder. …………………………
7. Our teacher is leaving the school. …………………………
8. The baby played with the rattle. …………………………
9. The bottom of the bucket was rusty. …………………………
10. The old house should be condemned. …………………………
Worksheet 28.
Choose the subject in each of the simple sentences below.
1. Our television set is broken. …………………………
2. His uncle drives racing cars. …………………………
3. You have won the raffle. …………………………
4. Our supply of food has run out. …………………………
5. Maria sings in the school choir. …………………………
6. A hungry dog ate the scraps. …………………………
7. The rose bush grew near the gate. …………………………
8. He needed a brief rest. …………………………
9. The donkey kicked the gate. …………………………
10. The bottom of the boat was slippery. …………………………
Worksheet 29.
e.g. The dog chased the frightened child.
(Subject) (Predicate)
Choose the appropriate subject to complete each of the simple sentences.
several boys, my dad, the white kitten, the old car, a flock of pigeons ,dogs, the large spider, oranges and lemons
1. …………………..……played with a ball of string.
2. ……..………..…………are loyal pets.
3. ………………….………… were kicking the ball in the park.
4. …………………..…..…… watches the news on television.
5. ….………….……...…… had broken down.
6. …………………...……… flew over the house.
7. ………….……...………… are citrus fruits.
8. ……………………….. crawled across the ceiling.
Worksheet 30.
A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the
finite verb is a part.
e.g. The dog chased the frightened child.
(Subject) (Predicate)
Choose the appropriate predicate to complete each of the simple sentences.
was arrested, recently landed on the beach,
are in bloom, fell from the stallion
enjoyed our holidays, is an Australian native animal,
attacked the intruder, sat on the clothes line
1. The jockey …………………………………………..…… .
2. A koala ………………………………..………..………… .
3. A blue wren …………………………………….………… .
4. Many flowers …………………..……..…………..…..…… .
5. The leader of the gang ….……………………….……...…… .
6. The guard dog ………………………………………...……… .
7. A flock of seagulls ………….……………………...…………. .
8. We …………………………………………………………….. .
Worksheet 31.
Choose the best coordinate conjunction to join the main clauses of these compound sentences.
1. The weather was brilliant ……….. the waves were poor.
(so, but)
2. We don’t have any money left ………. we won’t be able to go.
(so, and)
3. I used to swim a lot ………. I only swim occasionally now.
(so, but)
4. The idea is great ………. I think it will work.
(and, but)
5. I am going on a holiday ………. I intend to enjoy myself.
(but, and)
6. I hate eating vegetables ………. I still eat them.
(yet, and)
7. Sarah should win the race……….. she will be disappointed.
(or, yet)
8. I cleaned out the shed ………. I washed the car.
(but, and)
Worksheet 32.
Choose the best coordinate conjunction to join the main clauses of these compound sentences.
1. The shed was unlocked ……….. we were able to enter.
(so, but)
2. I went to the city ………. I bought a present for Mum.
(and, yet)
3. Emma found her bag ………. she did not find her camera.
(so, but)
4. I may go surfing ………. I may just lie on the beach.
(but, or)
5. Alex searched under the desk ………. he could not find the ruler.
(and, but)
6. I love science lessons ………. I am not keen on maths lessons.
(but, so)
7. Hannah played brilliantly……….. she won the best player trophy.
(and, yet)
8. Don’t stand there ………. you may get drenched.
(and, or)
Worksheet 33.
Rewrite the following compound sentences as two simple sentences.
You will need to leave out the coordinate conjunction joining
the two main clauses.
1. Don’t spend all your money on presents or you won’t have enough money for the movies.
2. The test was fairly easy so everybody achieved good marks.
3. Clare searched the whole house but she could not find her glasses anywhere.
4. The water in the pool looked inviting but there was no-one
Worksheet 34.
Rewrite the following compound sentences as two simple sentences.
You will need to leave out the coordinate conjunction joining
the two main clauses.
1. The cupboard needed repainting and one of the sliding doors was missing.
2. Matthew struck the ball well and it sailed through the goals.
3. You had better clean up this mess or Miss Nicholson will be
absolutely furious.
4. The wind blew the doors shut and several windows were broken.
Worksheet 35.
SENTENCES (Complex Sentences)
A complex sentence has at least one main clause and one subordinate clause.
e.g. The outdoor concert has been cancelled because the weather is so bad.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)
Decide whether the selected clause is the main clause or
the subordinate clause of the following complex sentences.
1. It is healthy to eat fruit because they are full of vitamins.
(Main or Subordinate)
2. The film is a box-office success, although the critics didn’t like it.
(Main or Subordinate)
3. I lost the race because I took a wrong turn.
(Main or Subordinate)
4. Although I am only twelve, I know what you are talking about.
(Main or Subordinate)
5. The police are looking for the witness who saw the robbery.
(Main or Subordinate)
6. After I finished my homework, I went skateboarding.
(Main or Subordinate)
7. We have to stay inside until the weather improves.
(Main or Subordinate)
8. Because I had been sick, I wasn’t allowed to go surfing.
(Main or Subordinate)
Worksheet 36.
Decide whether the underlined clause is the main clause or
the subordinate clause of the following complex sentences.
1. The teacher was late because her car had broken down.
(Main or Subordinate)
2. Brendan broke his arm when he fell off his bike.
(Main or Subordinate)
3. Until Sam returns from injury, his place will be taken by Brad.
(Main or Subordinate)
4. The runner staggered on until she reached the drink station.
(Main or Subordinate)
5. The river has improved because of the pollution controls.
(Main or Subordinate)
6. He has been very lonely since his wife passed away.
(Main or Subordinate)
7. When the fireworks concluded, I went straight home.
(Main or Subordinate)
8. We visited the museum where my uncle works.
(Main or Subordinate)
Worksheet 37.
Add a subordinate clause to the main clauses to complete the complex sentences below.
when we were late home, since the factory closed,
unless it rains soon, when I can afford it,
when her name was read out, after the snow storm,
although they had very little, who helped her move
1. …………………………………....…… the skiing was fantastic.
2. I am buying a play station …………………………..………… .
3. My parents were worried ……………………..…….………… .
4. …………………..……..…..……, the population has declined.
5. They were happy ….……………….…………….……...…… .
6. ………………………….…...……… the crops will be ruined.
7. My aunt thanked everyone ………….……………….………. .
8. Melinda was excited ………………………..……………….. .
Worksheet 38.
Add a main clause to the subordinate clauses to complete
the complex sentences below.
I will have one as well, you should check your e-mail,
I need a good rest, you should wash the walls,
there is the dog, Mum cleaned the bathroom,
she gets good marks, I placed the meal in the oven
1. ………………………………....…… before you start painting.
2. Before you turn off the computer, …………………..………… .
3. ……………………..………….………… that has a loud bark.
4. ……………….……..…..……because I am totally exhausted.
5. ….………….……………...…… after I removed the wrapper.
6. …………………………….……… although she never studies.
7. Since you are paying, ………….…………………….………. .
8. ………………………..………….. before she went to the shop.
Worksheet 39.
SENTENCES (What Type of Sentence?)
There are three types of sentences:- simple, compound and complex.
My parents were born in Queensland. (Simple Sentence)
(Subject) (Predicate)
I broke the vase and I cleaned up the mess. (Compound Sentence)
(Main Clause) (Main Clause)
The desert bloomed after it had rained. (Complex Sentence)
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)
Read each sentence and decide whether it is a simple, compound or complex sentence.
1. After the movie finished, he went straight home.
(Simple, Compound or Complex))
2. I am happy with the result and I am going to ring my friends.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
3. I bought a book that I had wanted for ages.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
4. Simon won the long jump and he set a record with the javelin.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
5. Dianne is the most popular girl in our class.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
6. Although he is only five, he knows he was naughty.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
7. We went to the pool but we did not go in the water.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
8. My favourite vegetables are carrots and potatoes.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
Worksheet 40.
Read each sentence and decide whether it is a simple, compound or complex sentence.
1. My mother and my grandmother go for a walk every morning.
(Simple, Compound or Complex))
2. Darren can be a pest yet he is a good friend.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
3. I enjoy going to school but I would prefer to be surfing sometimes.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
4. His performance improved when he practised regularly.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
5. Dad mowed the lawn and he pruned the rose bushes.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
6. Ryan and Mitchell went on a fishing trip.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
7. The mail was late because the plane was delayed.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)
8. Kangaroos and wombats are Australian native animals.

Worksheets Sentence, Phrases, Clauses ANSWERS
Sentences - General
Worksheet 1
1. yes 2. no 3. yes 4. yes 5. no 6. no 7. no 8. yes 9. yes 10. no
Worksheet 2
1. yes 2. yes 3. no 4. yes 5. no 6. yes 7. no 8. no 9. no 10. yes
Worksheet 3
1. My cousin travels to school by bus. 2. Last night it snowed heavily. 3. Tamara washed her dirty hands. 4. The eagle flew back to its nest. 5. The three girls sing in the school choir. 6. I like chocolate ice-cream.
Worksheet 4
1. My grandparents live in Adelaide. 2. I rode the horse without a saddle. 3. The gardener planted the seedlings. 4. The lizard slithered under the rock. 5. The frogs croak at dusk. 6. We flew the kite on the oval.
Worksheet 5
1. The crash wrecked the new car. 2. Our dog sleeps in its kennel. 3. I fed the scraps to the seagulls. 4. My dad works at the service station. 5. We ate lunch before we went to the football. 6. We climbed down the rope ladder.
Worksheet 6
1. question 2. statement 3. exclamation 4. statement 5. command 6. exclamation 7. command 8. question
Worksheet 7
1. statement 2. question 3. statement 4. question 5.exclamation 6. command 7. exclamation 8. command
Worksheet 8
1. The cat has caught a mouse. 2. The umpire blew the whistle to start the game. or To start the game the umpire blew the whistle. 3. We saw the zebras at the zoo. 4. I left my jumper at the school. 5. We grow tomatoes in our garden. 6. Someone is willing to help you.
Worksheet 9
1. The ball hit him on the ankle. 2. Mum is making a pizza for tea. 3. The mosquito was attracted by the light. 4. The old house was burnt down. 5. Greta took her pet parrot to the vet. 6. A dolphin is a very intelligent animal.
Worksheet 10
1. The smell was coming from beneath the house. 2. The science lesson ended with a quiz. 3. The bus is licensed to carry twenty passengers. 4. There was one egg remaining in the nest. 5. The trees were covered in pink blossom 6. The hammock was tied between two trees.
Worksheet 11
1. There are twenty eight students in our class. 2. The surfing contest will begin when the waves improve. 3. We went straight home after the disco. 4. The boy on the skateboard is my brother. 5. The snake slid under the log. 6. The tree with the large leaves is very fast growing. 7. We made slow progress through the thick scrub. 8. The untidy hikers left the camp site in a huge mess.
Worksheet 12
1. The man sprinted towards the bus stop. 2. The girl with the red hair is my cousin. 3. My brother has a job at the supermarket. 4. The cabin in the valley is made from pine logs. 5. The rope was cut into four pieces. 6. The tiger disappeared in the thick jungle. 7. The top spun for over two minutes. 8. The broken twig fell from the tree.
Worksheet 13
1. noun 2. adverb 3. noun 4. adjective 5. noun 6. adverb 7.adjective 8. adverb 9. noun 10. adjective
Worksheet 14
1. adverb 2. adverb 3. noun 4. adjective 5. adverb 6. noun 7. adjective 8. adverb 9. adjective 10. noun
Worksheet 15
1. dense 2. enough 3. password 4. aloft 5. favourite 6. carefully 7. ice 8. crust 9. now 10. fragile 11. ledge 12. false
Worksheet 16
1. heavy 2. immediately 3. bald 4. soon 5. fade 6. elegant 8. century 9. twig 10. useful 11. equipment 12. jumble
Worksheet 17
1. subordinate 2. subordinate 3. main 4. subordinate 5. main 6. main 7. subordinate 8. main
Worksheet 18
1. subordinate 2. main 3. main 4. subordinate 5. main 6. main 7. subordinate 8. subordinate
Worksheet 19
1. I spoke to the detective who was investigating the robbery. 2. That is the athlete who broke the long jump record. 3. After the clouds broke up the sun shone brightly. 4. I looked after the neighbour’s cat although I didn’t like it. 5. I know the man who won first prize in the lottery. 6. We are buying a new computer when we can afford it. 7. When the concert ends, we are going for a coffee. 8. We missed the school bus which left early.
Worksheet 20
1. They went for a swim so they could cool off. 2. He spoke to the driver who owns the red dragster. 3. Gemma did not enjoy the party as much as I did. 4. Unless you have a good excuse you are in trouble. 5. When school finishes I am going straight home. 6. We needed a rest after we cleaned out the shed. 7.This is the horse that can jump the hedge. 8. So you can go early, the lesson will finish now.
Worksheet 21
1. It rained solidly for three days so the rodeo was cancelled. 2. A runner wearing an orange top finished first and a runner holding a drink bottle finished second. 3. The teacher found his briefcase and the contents were undamaged. 4. The school will close at two o’clock so we can go home before the river floods.
Worksheet 22
1. We tried to get back into the game but it was too late. 2. She spends a lot of time studying but she still finds time to relax. 3. We should start packing up now or we will hold up the next group. 4. You should not lie in the sun for long periods or you will regret it one day.
Worksheet 23
1. Unless he gets his own way, he gets very angry. 2. The business will succeed if it meets these sales forecasts. 3. I enjoyed the skiing although the snow was poor. 4. The deer ran for its life when it saw the hunter. 5. The car door was damaged when the car scraped the fence. 6. They sensed the danger so they moved very carefully. 7. If you say that again, you will be asked to leave. 8. If the restaurant is closed, we will cook for ourselves.
Worksheet 24
1. We played cards while we waited for the ferry. 2. He went for a long walk while he calmed down. 3. Madeline asked what we intended to do. 4. I will throw the magazines out if you don’t pack them away. 5. If you are early, you are sure to get a good seat. 6. Go and wash your hands before you sit at the table.7.If you sit down and rest, you will feel better. 8. The coach announced that she was stepping down.
Worksheet 25
1. adverb 2. noun 3. adjective 4. adjective 5. adverb 6. noun 7. adjective 8. noun 9. noun 10. adverb
Worksheet 26
1. adjective 2. noun 3. adjective 4. adverb 5. noun 6. noun 7.adverb 8. noun 9. adverb 10. adjective
Simple Sentences
Worksheet 27
1. Jennifer 2. next year 3. the team of footballers 4. our cat and dog 5. the police 6. The savage dog 7. our teacher 8. the baby 9. the bottom of the bucket 10. the old house
Worksheet 28
1. our television set 2. his uncle 3. you 4. our supply of food 5. Maria 6. a hungry dog 7. the rose bush 8. he 9. the donkey 10. the bottom of the boat
Worksheet 29
1. The white kitten played with a ball of string. 2. Dogs are loyal pets. 3. Several boys were kicking the ball in the park. 4. My dad watches the news on television. 5. The old car had broken down. 6. A flock of pigeons flew over the house. 7. Oranges and lemons are citrus fruits. 8. The large spider crawled across the ceiling.
Worksheet 30
1. The jockey fell from the stallion. 2. A koala is an Australian native animal. 3. A blue wren sat on the clothes line. 4. Many flowers are in bloom. 5. The leader of the gang was arrested recently. 6. The guard dog attacked the intruder. 7. A flock of seagulls landed on the beach. 8. We enjoyed our holidays.
Compound Sentences
Worksheet 31
1. but 2. so 3. but 4. and 5. and 6. yet 7. or 8. and
Worksheet 32
1. so 2. and 3. but 4. or 5. but 6. but 7. and 8. or
Worksheet 33
1. (a) Don’t spend all your money on presents. (b) You won’t have enough money for the movies. 2. (a) The test was fairly easy. (b) Everybody achieved good marks. 3. (a) Clare searched the whole house. (b) She could not find her glasses anywhere. 4. (a) The water in the pool looked inviting. (b) There was no-one swimming.
Worksheet 34
1. (a) The cupboard needed repainting. (b) One of the sliding doors was missing. 2. (a) Matthew struck the ball well. (b) It sailed through the goals. 3. (a) You had better clean up this mess. (b) Miss Nicholson will be absolutely furious. 4. (a) The wind blew the doors shut. (b) Several windows were broken.
Complex Sentences
Worksheet 35
1. main 2. subordinate 3. main 4. main 5. subordinate 6. subordinate 7. main 8. main
Worksheet 36
1. main 2. subordinate 3. subordinate 4. main 5. subordinate 6. subordinate 7. main 8. main
Worksheet 37
1. After the snow storm, the skiing was fantastic. 2. I am buying a play station when I can afford it. 3. My parents were worried when we were late home. 4. Since the factory closed, the population has declined. 5. They were happy although they had very little. 6. Unless it rains soon, the crops will be ruined. 7. My aunt thanked everyone who helped her move. 8. Melinda was excited when her name was read out.
Worksheet 38
1. You should wash the walls before you start painting. 2. Before you turn off the computer, you should check your e-mail. 3. There is the dog that has a loud bark. 4. I need a good rest because I am totally exhausted. 5. I placed the meal in the oven after I removed the wrapper. 6. She gets good marks although she never studies. 7. Since you are paying, I will have one as well. 8. Mum cleaned the bathroom before she went to the shop. What Type of Sentence?
Worksheet 39
1. complex 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound 5. simple 6. complex 7. compound 8. simple
Worksheet 40
1. simple 2. compound 3. compound 4. complex 5. compound 6. simple 7. complex 8. simple