Articles, Conjunctions and Prepositions Definitions
Worksheets 1-8
Worksheets 9-11
Conjunctions - General
Worksheets 12-15
Coordinate Conjunctions
Worksheets 16-17
Subordinate Conjunctions
Worksheets 18-25
Subordinate Conjunctions
Worksheets 26-38
Worksheets 39-40
Confusing Prepositions
There are only three articles:- the, a and an. They describe nouns and are adjectives of a special kind.
Definite Article
“The” is known as the definite article. It is definite because it refers to a specific thing.
For example:-
The book is on the small table. The cat is upstairs.
Indefinite Articles
“A” and “an” are known as indefinite articles. They are indefinite because rather than referring to a specific thing, they refer to any one of a group of things.
For example:-
A dog is barking outside. A book was placed on the table.
“An” is used before nouns or adjectives which begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or nouns or adjectives that begin with a silent “h”. Using “an” rather than “a” makes the words easier to pronounce.
For example:-
An ant can carry many times its own weight.
An hour has passed since they rang.
A conjunction is a joining word. Conjunctions can be used to join words, phrases and clauses.
There are three types of conjunctions:- coordinate, subordinate and correlative.
Coordinate Conjunctions
Coordinate conjunctions join single words, groups of words and sometimes whole sentences together.
Common coordinate conjunctions are:- and but for nor or so yet
These are examples of coordinate conjunctions in sentences. ie
Cows and pigs are domesticated animals.
It snowed lightly, but then the sun broke through.
She was a talented athlete yet she was reluctant to train regularly.
The champion player was injured, so he was unable to complete the game.
Subordinate Conjunctions
Subordinate conjunctions join parts of a sentence. They frequently join adverbial clauses to other clauses. Subordinate means of secondary or lesser importance.
These are examples of subordinate conjunctions in sentences.
I want to go to university after I finish college.
I want to go to university ……. (is the main or principle part of the sentence) when I finish college …… (is the subordinate clause)
Common subordinate conjunctions are:-
after before now since until when whenever while where wherever
for why whereas although though however whether as except if
unless than once because how
As well as joining parts of a sentence, subordinate conjunctions give information about time, place, cause, concession, condition, degree, purpose or consequence.
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions exist in pairs.
Common correlative conjunctions are:-
neither …… nor either …… or
whether …..or not only …..but also
as ….. as both ……. and
These are examples of correlative conjunctions used in sentences:-
Neither Sarah nor Michelle was fit to play.
Both David and Robert left as soon as they could.
You either start now or it will be too late.
A preposition comes before a noun or a pronoun and indicates something about its position, place or time in connection with other words in a sentence.
Commonly used prepositions are:-
above after across against among at before below between by down during for from in into near of off on over since through under up with without
The word preposition means “to place in front of”. These are examples of prepositions that tell something about the relationship between the noun or pronoun that it comes in front of and other words in the sentence.
e.g She shared her winnings among her family.
The teacher stood beside the whiteboard.
He dived into the deep pool.
Worksheet 1.
Choose whether the selected article is a definite or indefinite article.
1. The book is hard to put down. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
2. I would like a salad roll for lunch. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
3. He was asked to sit next to the mayor. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
4. It was not an easy task. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
5. A fox is a very cunning animal. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
6. We visit the museum regularly. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
7. A good friend will always listen. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
8. The house needs new windows. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
Worksheet 2.
Choose whether the underlined article is a definite or indefinite article.
1. We saw an elephant at the zoo. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
2. An hour had passed since her phone call. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
3. When you discover the answer let me know. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
4. The thirsty runner was desperate for a drink. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
5. The start was not far away. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
6. Have you been using the scissors? …………………
(definite or indefinite)
7. A trophy was presented to the winning driver. .…………………
(definite or indefinite)
8. The shower needs to be fixed. …………………
(definite or indefinite)
Worksheet 3.
Write “a” or “an” before each word or group of words below.
1. ……. nasty habit 13. ……. hyena
2. ……. ocelot 14. ……. old man
3. ……. albatross 15. ……. ibis
4. ……. heated argument 16. ……. finch
5. ……. idea 17. ……. uncle
6. ……. high tide 18. ……. humming bird
7. ……. egg cup 19. ……. minibus
8. ……. windy day 20. ……. honour
9. ……. otter 21. ……. merchant bank
10. ……. bloodhound 22. ……. orchestra
11. ……. human being 23. ……. northerly direction
12. ……. electrical storm 24. ……. radar screen
Worksheet 4.
Write “a” or “an” before each word or group of words below.
1. ……. elk 13. ……. pineapple
2. ……. recent event 14. ……. aardvark
3. ……. serious accident 15. ……. honeymoon
4. ……. emu 16. ……. owl
5. ……. roundabout 17. ……. hedgehog
6. ……. hour 18. ……. eagle
7. ……. early night 19. ……. hollow log
8. ……. antelope 20. ……. heir
9. ……. easy task 21. ……. level crossing
10. ……. panther 22. ……. earthworm
11. ……. millionaire 23. ……. igloo
12. ……. ostrich 24. ……. elevator
Worksheet 5.
Complete the sentences below by inserting either “a” or “an”.
1. Their trip was cancelled for ……… second time.
2. ……… oak tree produces acorns.
3. The shed was built on …..… cement slab.
4. The carnival is coming to ….…end.
5. A black swan is .…… graceful bird.
6. We were keen to make ….… early start.
7. The toddler had ….… endearing smile.
8. You can choose an apple or .…… banana.
Worksheet 6.
Complete the sentences below by inserting either “a” or “an”.
1. It is always pleasant to receive ……… gift.
2. It pays to be careful around ……… electric fence.
3. The house was surrounded by …..… high fence.
4. The dent was made by ….…flying rock.
5. The house was left in ….… appalling condition.
6. ….… obese person is grossly overweight.
7. A gulf is ….… very large bay.
8. Car theft is now .…… serious problem.
Worksheet 7.
Complete the sentences below by inserting either “a” or “an”.
1. ……… artist is a person who paints or draws.
2. The goalkeeper had ……… outstanding year.
3. A centimetre is …..… unit of measurement.
4. A wombat is ….…Australian native animal.
5. The frightened colt broke into ….… gallop.
6. The unfortunate man had ….… incurable disease.
7. ….… impatient person gets annoyed easily.
8. The attic was used as .…… storeroom.
Worksheet 8.
Find the mistake in the following sentences and rewrite them below.
1. The bag contained a pen, a ruler and notebook.
2. Jim ate an orange, a peach and apple.
3. The walls, the windows and roof were all damaged.
4. The new enclosure housed a panther, cougar and ocelot.
5. The cage housed a pigeon, magpie and ostrich.
6. The fence, house and the shed were all painted red.
Worksheet 9.
A conjunction is a joining word. A conjunction can be used to join words or groups of words.
e.g. knife and fork do or die
Write the word that best matches the words below.
chips later cream wrong sauce never lemons key
over square pepper span out spice bacon down
1. sooner or ……………….. 9. salt and………………..
2. up and ……………….. 10. lock and………………..
3. right and ……………….. 11. over and ………………..
4. oranges and ……………….. 12. peaches and ………………..
5. sugar and ……………….. 13. fair and ………………..
6. now or ……………….. 14. pie and ………………..
7. down and ……………….. 15. spick and ………………..
8. fish and ……………….. 16. eggs and ………………..
Worksheet 10.
Identify the conjunction in each sentence below and write it in the space provided.
1. We were tired but we were keen to finish. …………………
2. Kangaroos and emus are Australian animals. …………………
3. An elephant is huge but a fox is cunning. …………………
4. We were thirsty so we asked for a drink. …………………
5. It was snowing yet it wasn’t cold. …………………
6. Falcons and hawks are birds of prey. …………………
7. The tomatoes were rotten so I threw them out. …………………
8. Lead is heavy but feathers are light. …………………
Worksheet 11.
Identify the conjunction in each sentence below and write it in the space provided.
1. I won’t go running unless you go too. …………………
2. The crop will be ruined if it continues to rain. …………………
3. The piano and the tuba are musical instruments. .………………
4. His letter was short yet interesting. …………………
5. Jamie said it was his because he found it first. .…………………
6. The donkey is small but it is strong. …………………
7. Orange or blue is my favourite colour. …………………
8. I was tired so I decided to go home. …………………
Worksheet 12.
The main coordinate conjunctions are:-
and but nor or so yet
Choose the best coordinate conjunction to complete the
sentences below.
1. Pineapples ………. bananas are tropical fruits.
(and, or)
2. I have finished it ………. I am not satisfied.
(yet, so)
3. Lucy won the race fair …....… square.
(and, yet)
4. It was scorching …...…. we went to the pool.
(so, yet)
5. Her entry was late .….…. it was still accepted.
(but, so)
6. We were starving ..……. we stopped for a snack.
(so, but)
7. Claire was small …..….. very determined.
(but, or)
8. Surfing .……. skiing is my favourite sport.
(or, and)
Worksheet 13.
The main coordinate conjunctions are:-
and but nor or so yet
Choose the best coordinate conjunction to complete the
sentences below.
1. The letter was short ………. it made an impact.
(yet, so)
2. My mum ………. dad is picking me up.
(and, or)
3. The old truck has suffered a lot of wear …....… tear.
(and, yet)
4. Red …...…. blue are two colours on the Australian flag.
(and, or)
5. You can have money to buy a drink .….…. a salad roll.
(yet, or)
6. I was dead tired ..……. I couldn’t get to sleep.
(yet, so)
7. They had a flat tyre …..….. we stopped to help.
(so, but)
8. I barrack for Hawthorn .……. my brother supports Sydney.
(but, for)
Worksheet 14.
Join the two sentences using the coordinate conjunctions “or” or “but”.
1. Jane spends a lot of time training for athletics.
She always does her homework.
2. Don’t spend all your money on lollies.
You won’t have enough for the bus fare.
3. We shouldn’t have another turn.
We will be late home.
4. They tried to attract attention.
They were not noticed.
Worksheet 15.
Join the two sentences using the coordinate conjunctions “so” or “and”.
1. Sam found his bike.
It was not damaged.
2. The door was left unlocked.
We went inside.
3. The ticket sales were very poor.
The concert was cancelled.
4. A Mazda was the first car to finish.
A Ford finished in second place.
Worksheet 16.
Some conjunctions exist in pairs. These conjunctions are called correlative conjunctions. Common correlative conjunctions are:-
both … and either ... or neither ... nor as …. as
not only .... but also whether ... or not ... but
Circle the correlative conjunctions in the sentences below.
1. Neither the cold wind nor the rain could stop him training.
2. Lucy not only finished first but also broke the record.
3. I wasn’t sure whether Dad was serious or joking.
4. Both Jane and Sarah won merit awards.
5. We ran home as fast as we could.
6. The teacher is either very angry or she is a good actress.
7. She had won the lottery not once but twice.
8. We could either pay or return the goods.
Worksheet 17.
Some conjunctions exist in pairs. These conjunctions are called correlative conjunctions. Common correlative conjunctions are:- both … and either ... or neither ... nor as …. as not only .... but also whether ... or not ... but
Circle the correlative conjunctions in the sentences below.
1. Both the zebra and the giraffe were born at the zoo.
2. It will be either a huge success or a major flop.
3. He repaid the loan as quickly as he could.
4. I didn’t care whether I won or lost.
5. Neither Wendy nor Kate enjoyed running.
6. The notes were not long but informative.
7. Peter was not only keen but also very talented.
8. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Worksheet 18.
Conjunctions that join the main clause and the subordinate clause of a sentence are known as subordinate conjunctions.
e.g. I want to travel when I finish my studies.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Conjunction) (Subordinate Clause)
Other common subordinate conjunctions are:- after while wherever as although unless where since because until
Circle the subordinate conjunctions in the sentences below.
1. I was the first to arrive because I caught the early bus.
2. Mum does the ironing while she watches the television.
3. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
4. These weeds will ruin the garden unless they are removed.
5. This is the spot where I saw the snake.
6. Please wash your hands before you eat.
7. We are not allowed in until the teacher arrives.
8. We all felt happy when the storm passed.
Worksheet 19.
Conjunctions that join the main clause and the subordinate clause of a sentence are known as subordinate conjunctions.
e.g. I want to travel when I finish my studies.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Conjunction) (Subordinate Clause)
Select the best subordinate conjunction to complete the sentences below.
1. I was late for class ……...………. I did not hear the siren. (because, where)
2. We must wait here ……...………. it stops raining.
(since, until)
3. The dog came quickly …...……..… it was called.
(before, when)
4. I have not seen the cat ….……....…. I fed it last night. (since, unless)
5. This is the hotel …….…….…. our friends stayed.
(where, until)
6. Susie did not come ………..……. she was not allowed. (before, because)
7. The coach will not help you …………..….. you try harder. (unless, when)
8. Tom still won the race ……..….……. he was not fully fit. (although, unless)
Worksheet 20.
Select the best subordinate conjunction to complete the sentences below.
1. We waited at the bus stop ……...………. we promised. (after, as)
2. Do your homework ……...………. you watch television. (before, since)
3. I want to go to the circus …...……..… mum can afford it. (unless, if)
4. I will not share the sweets ….……....…. you help me. (unless, though)
5. The truck will rust …….…….…. it is painted soon.
(where, unless)
6. Paige got into trouble ………..……. it was not her fault. (since, although)
7. We warmed up …………..….. we swam the race.
(until, before)
8. The frogs begin to croak ……..….……. it rains.
(whenever, where)
Worksheet 21.
Choose whether the underlined subordinate conjunctions are
conjunctions of time, place or reason.
1. I have not heard from Jane since we met at the party.
2. I kept out of the yard because I did not trust the dog.
3. We visit our grandmother whenever we can.
4. Jack is allowed to go after he finishes raking the grass.
5. As the rain had drenched the oval, the game was cancelled.
6. Those keys must be found wherever they are.
7. You must remember where you left the keys.
8. I often wonder why they left the town.
Worksheet 22.
Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “after” or “before” .
1. I combed my hair.
I had a shower.
2. Robert put on his shoes.
He went out into the backyard.
3. Tracey studied very hard.
She had her final test.
4. Molly hung her jacket out to dry.
She walked in the rain.
Worksheet 23.
Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “after” or “before”.
1. James let out a loud scream.
He was bitten by the ant.
2. Dad trained for six months.
He ran the half marathon.
3. The paper plane soared upwards.
It crashed to the ground.
4. We boiled the billy.
We lit the fire.
Worksheet 24.
Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “although” or “because” .
1. Caitlin keeps trying hard.
She found the work difficult.
2. Roger did not enter the competition.
He was afraid of losing.
3. The road was closed.
It was covered in ice and snow.
4. The band played very well.
They had never practised together.
Worksheet 25.
Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “although” or “because” .
1. Sam could not go on the school camp.
He had the measles.
2. The bird could still fly.
It had a damaged wing.
3. They won the match.
They used the ball better.
4. We still enjoyed the picnic.
The weather was not that brilliant.
Worksheet 26.
A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.
Find and circle the preposition in each of the sentences below.
1. The ball rolled under the car.
2. The cherries are in the bucket.
3. The sun is breaking through the clouds.
4. Remember to share the sweets among your friends.
5. The horse cantered onto the racetrack.
6. The weeds grew quickly after the rain.
7. We buy our meat from the supermarket.
8. The bull ran towards the river.
Worksheet 27.
Find and circle the preposition in each of the sentences below.
1. She was standing near the mirror.
2. Dad was waiting for us at the station.
3. The painting is below the clock.
4. I am sorry about the noise.
5. There is a mess under the sofa.
6. The photograph is on the bookcase.
7. Would you like a biscuit with your drink?
8. My sister is very good at tennis.
Worksheet 28.
It is easy to confuse adverbs with prepositions. They sometimes look the same; however, the difference is in the way the word is used.
e.g. He tumbled down.
(“down” is an adverb of place)
Ben tumbled down the bank.
(“down” is a preposition linked to the noun “bank”)
Decide whether the selected word is an adverb or a preposition.
1. Will you please come in.
2. The fuel was stored below.
3. The bridge stretched across the river.
4. The apples were placed in a box.
5. The tent fell down.
6. The ball hit her below the knee.
7. It will be ferried across.
8. The log floated down the river.
Worksheet 29.
It is easy to confuse adverbs with prepositions. They sometimes look the same; however, the difference is in the way the word is used.
e.g. He tumbled down.
(“down” is an adverb of place)
Ben tumbled down the bank.
(“down” is a preposition linked to the noun “bank”)
Decide whether the underlined word is an adverb or a preposition.
1. She went to the beach without a towel.
2. The riverbank caved in.
3. The band had never recorded before.
4. You will have to go without.
5. We had to go home before nine o’clock.
6. They have nothing to live on.
7. The keys were left in the car.
8. She went to school on the bus.
Worksheet 30.
Decide whether the selected word is a preposition of place or a preposition of time.
1. The kitten crept under the blanket.
2. Wash your hands before the meal.
3. We waited until the last race.
4. We drove around the island.
5. It was hidden beneath the old papers.
6. The siren sounded during the school assembly.
7. We camped under the large tree.
8. We needed a rest after the performance.
Worksheet 31.
Decide whether the selected word is a preposition of place or a preposition of time.
1. I usually get up at seven o’clock.
2. The tree was growing beside the garage.
3. We met the actors after the show.
4. The bird flew out of its cage.
5. They sheltered until the storm eased.
6. The class are going to the zoo on Friday.
7. The plane flew over the lake.
8. The tree fell across the road.
Worksheet 32.
Choose the best preposition of place or a preposition of time to complete the sentences below.
before on below into against through over after
1. The plane flew ……………….… the mountain.
2. Please wipe your feet ……………….… you enter the room.
3. The bird flew ……………….… the open window.
4. Place your plate ……………….… the bench.
5. The plants grew strongly ……………….… the rain.
6. The cellar is ……………….… the hotel.
7. The baseball bat was leaning ……………….… the wall.
8. The teacher rushed ……………….… the classroom.
Worksheet 33.
Choose the best preposition of place or a preposition of time to complete the sentences below.
down at between until since after above during
1. The kite flew ……………….… the trees.
2. We helped wash the dishes ……………….… the meal.
3. The jet landed ……………….… the airport.
4. The shed was damaged ……………….… the storm.
5. Amy fell ……………….… the hole.
6. I will stay ……………….… you return.
7. I squeezed ……………….… the two cars.
8. We have not seen them ……………….… last Christmas.
Worksheet 34.
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. Try not to get too angry ……...………. him.
(to, in, with)
2. All my friends are keen ……...………. water skiing.
(for, on, with)
3. My jumper is similar …...……..… yours.
(to, for, from)
4. She can take the blame ….……....…. that.
(for, in, at)
5. You can always rely …….…….…. me.
(of, on, with)
6. She takes pleasure ………..……. helping others.
(with, at, in)
7. I am very happy …………..….. my results.
(with, in, by)
8. I am tired ……..….……. being woken in the night.
(at, for, of)
Worksheet 35.
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. I know I can depend ……...………. you.
(on, with, in)
2. Who else was ……...………. the party?
(in, on, at)
3. I am looking …...……..… my pen.
(to, with, for)
4. The teacher is disappointed ….……....…. the whole class.
(with, at, for)
5. Chris has a strong thirst …….…….…. knowledge.
(with, at, for)
6. I haven’t been fishing ………..……. ages.
(from, at, for)
7. Would you like a drink …………..….. the meal?
(with, at, for)
8. I am familiar ……..….……. this type of computer.
(with, in, at)
Worksheet 36.
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. We always buy our bread ……...………. the same bakery.
(in, from, for)
2. Sally is capable ……...………. doing much better.
(in, for, of)
3. That movie would appeal …...……..… a younger audience.
(to, with, in)
4. You need to aim ….……....…. the centre of the target.
(for, in, at)
5. My mum has a craving …….…….…. chocolate.
(with, in, for)
6. She protesters are opposed ………..……. logging in this area.
(with, at, to)
7. The principal said she was very pleased …………..….. you.
(in, at, with)
8. I trust ……..….……. your advice.
(in, with, on)
Worksheet 37.
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. The sign warns ……...………. the danger of strong currents.
(at, of, for)
2. I never haggle ……...………. the price of something.
(with, at, over)
3. We were disgusted …...……..… her attitude.
(with, at, in)
4. The weary hikers yearned ….……....…. a good night’s sleep.
(with, in, for)
5. Can you spot the difference …….…….…. the two pictures?
(among, between, from)
6. The police were in pursuit ………..……. the car thief.
(with, in, of)
7. Your entry was worthy …………..….. mention.
(with, at, of)
8. We found it difficult to part ……..….……. our pets.
(with, in, from)
Worksheet 38.
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. My brother is good ……...………. remembering facts.
(in, with, at)
2. The team was inspired ……...………. the captain’s example.
(with, in, by)
3. The unfortunate camper was struck …...……..… a falling branch.
(with, on, by)
4. Your dress is similar ….……....…. mine.
(to, with, at)
5. You should allow …….…….…. some extra expenses.
(with, for, in)
6. We were asked to write ………..……. our excursion.
(to, about, for)
7. He found it difficult to deal …………..….. his fame.
(with, in, at)
8. They started to long ……..….……. a fine and sunny day.
(at, with, for)
Worksheet 39.
Select the correct preposition, either in or into, to complete the sentences below.
1. David jumped from the cliff ……...………. the water.
2. When it started to hail we rushed ……...………. the hall.
3. The car was parked …...……..… the garage.
4. The documents were kept ….……....…. the safe.
5. The old music tapes were stored …….…….…. a plastic box.
6. The crocodile slid from the bank ………..……. the river.
7. He kept his money …………..….. a tin under the bed.
8. The golf ball rolled ……..….……. the long grass.
Worksheet 40.
The prepositions “between” and “among” are sometimes confused.
“between” is used when something is shared by two
“among” is used when something is shared by three or more
e.g. The sweets were shared between Greg and Alice.
The winnings were divided among the whole family.
Select the correct preposition, either between or among, to complete the sentences below.
1. The basketball cards were shared ……...………. Simon and Matt.
2. The funds were divided ……...………. all the charities.
3. These countries are …...……..… the poorest in the region.
4. It was found ….……....…. the tap and the back fence.
5. He felt more comfortable …….…….…. his own family members.
6. It was a very close contest ………..……. Jenny and Lisa.
7. My dad is …………..….. the oldest to complete the event.
8. The argument was ……..….……. the school and her parents.

Worksheet Answers
Articles Conjunctions and Prepositions
Worksheet 1
1. definite 2. indefinite 3. definite 4. indefinite 5. indefinite 6. definite 7. indefinite 8. definite
Worksheet 2
1. indefinite 2. indefinite 3. definite 4. indefinite 5. definite 6. definite 7. indefinite 8. definite
Worksheet 3
1. a 2. an 3. an 4. a 5. an 6. a 7. an 8. a 9. an 10. a 11. a 12. an 13. a 14. an 15. an 16. a 17. an 18. a 19. a 20. an 21. a 22. an 23. a 24. a
Worksheet 4
1. an 2. a 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an 8. an 9. an 10. a 11. a 12. an 13. a 14. an 15. a 16. an 17. a 18. an 19. a 20. an 21. a 22. an 23. an 24. an
Worksheet 5
1. a 2. an 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an 8. a
Worksheet 6
1. a 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an 7. a 8. a
Worksheet 7
1. an 2. an 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an 8. a
Worksheet 8
1. The bag contained a pen, a ruler and a notebook. 2. Jim ate an orange, a peach and an apple. 3. The walls, the windows and the roof were all damaged. 4. The new enclosure housed a panther, a cougar and an ocelot. 5. The cage housed a pigeon, a magpie and an ostrich. 6. The fence, the house and the shed were all painted red.
Conjunctions - General
Worksheet 9
1. later 2. down 3. wrong 4. lemons 5. spice 6. never 7. out 8. chips 9. pepper 10. key 11. out 12. cream 13. square 14. sauce 15. span 16. bacon
Worksheet 10
1. but 2. and 3. but 4. so 5. yet 6. and 7. so 8. but
Worksheet 11
1. unless 2. if 3. and 4. yet 5. because 6. but 7. or 8. so
Coordinate Conjunctions
Worksheet 12
1. and 2. yet 3. and 4. so 5. but 6. so 7. but 8. or
Worksheet 13
1. yet 2. or 3. and 4. and 5. or 6. yet 7. so 8. but
Worksheet 14
1. Jane spends a lot of time training for athletics but she always does her homework. 2. Don’t spend all your money on lollies or you won’t have enough for the bus fare. 3. We shouldn’t have another turn or we will be late home. 4. They tried to attract attention but they were not noticed.
Worksheet 15
1. Sam found his bike and it was not damaged. 2. The door was left unlocked so we went inside. 3. The ticket sales were very poor so the concert was cancelled. 4. A Mazda was the first to finish and a Ford finished in second place.
Correlative Conjunctions
Worksheet 16
1. neither …. nor 2. not only ….. but also 3. whether …. or 4. both …. and 5. as …. as 6. either …. or 7. not ….. but 8. either ….. or
Worksheet 17
1. both …. and 2. either ….. or 3. as …. as 4. whether …. or 5. neither …. nor 6. not …. but 7. not only ….. but also 8. whether ….. or
Subordinate Conjunctions
Worksheet 18
1. because 2. while 3. when 4. unless 5. where 6. before 7. until 8. when
Worksheet 19
1. because 2. until 3. when 4. since 5. where 6. because 7. unless 8. although
Worksheet 20
1. as 2. before 3. if 4. unless 5. unless 6. although 7. before 8. wherever
Worksheet 21
1. time 2. reason 3. time 4. time 5. reason 6. place 7. place 8. reason
Worksheet 22
1. I combed my hair after I had a shower. 2. Robert put on his shoes before he went into the backyard. 3. Tracey studied very hard before she had her final test. 4. Molly hung her jacket out to dry after she walked in the rain.
Worksheet 23
1. James let out a loud scream after he was bitten by the ant. 2. Dad trained for six months before he ran in the marathon. 3. The paper plane soared upwards before it crashed to the ground. 4. We boiled the billy after we lit the fire.
Worksheet 24
1. Caitlin keeps trying hard although she found the work difficult. 2. Roger did not enter the competition because he was afraid of losing. 3. The road was closed because it was covered in ice and snow. 4. The band played very well although they had never practised together.
Worksheet 25
1. Sam could not go on the school camp because he had the measles. 2. The bird could still fly although it had a damaged wing. 3. They won the match because they used the ball better. 4. We still enjoyed the picnic although the weather was not that brilliant.
Worksheet 26
1. under 2. in 3. through 4. among 5. onto 6. after 7. from 8. towards
Worksheet 27
1. near 2. at 3. below 4. about 5. under 6. on 7. with 8. at
Worksheet 28
1. adverb 2. adverb 3. preposition 4. preposition 5. adverb 6. preposition 7. adverb 8. preposition
Worksheet 29
1. preposition 2. adverb 3. adverb 4. adverb 5. preposition 6. adverb 7. preposition 8. preposition
Worksheet 30
1. place 2. time 3. time 4. place 5. place 6. time 7. place 8. time
Worksheet 31
1. time 2. place 3. time 4. place 5. time 6. time 7. place 8. place
Worksheet 32
1. over 2. before 3. through 4. on 5. after 6. below 7. against 8. into
Worksheet 33
1. above 2. after 3. at 4. during 5. down 6. until 7. between 8. since
Worksheet 34
1. with 2. on 3. to 4. for 5. on 6. in 7. with 8. of
Worksheet 35
1. on 2. at 3. for 4. with 5. for 6. for 7. with 8. with
Worksheet 36
1. from 2. of 3. to 4. at 5. for 6. to 7. with 8. in
Worksheet 37
1. of 2. over 3. with 4. for 5. between 6. of 7. of 8. with
Worksheet 38
1. at 2. by 3. by 4. to 5. for 6. about 7. with 8. for
Confusing Prepositions
Worksheet 39
1. into 2. into 3. in 4. in 5. in 6. into 7. in 8. into
Worksheet 40
1. between 2. among 3. among 4. between 5. among 6. between 7. among 8. between