Worksheet 1.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Choose the descriptive adjective that best completes each sentence.
bright hot clever red fast huge blonde tall
1. An elephant is a …………….…… animal.
2. Richard is very …………………. for his age.
3. The new teacher had …………………. hair.
4. The insect was attracted to the …………………. light.
5. A dolphin is a …………………. animal.
6. Chips are cooked in …………………. fat.
7. A cheetah is a very …………………. animal.
8. The Japanese flag has a …………………. circle.
Worksheet 2.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Choose the descriptive adjective that best completes each sentence.
thirsty heavy cold thick strong lazy silver yellow
1. We rugged up because it was a …………….…… day.
2. A banana has a …………………. skin.
3. The …………………. pup drank all the water.
4. Lauren could hardly lift the …………………. bag.
5. The …………………. wind fanned the fire.
6. An elephant has …………………. skin.
7. The …………………. girl refuses to help.
8. Alex won a …………………. medal.
Worksheet 3
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Choose the descriptive adjective that best completes each sentence.
new dangerous red hungry famous savage sharp guilty
1. Paige cut her foot on a …………….…… shell.
2. Albert Einstein is a …………………. person.
3. Soldiers have a …………………. job.
4. The …………………. person was given two years in prison.
5. We ran from the …………………. dog.
6. The …………………. baby was crying for milk.
7. Nicki’s …………………. bike shines in the sun.
8. Brendan is the boy with …………………. hair.
Worksheet 4.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Rewrite the following sentences replacing the selected descriptive adjective with one with a similar meaning from the box below.
boring nosey brash clever difficult loyal
1. A dolphin is a smart animal.
2. He has always been a faithful family friend.
3. James has a very bold manner.
4. Our neighbour is a very curious person.
5. Jessie is good at solving hard problems.
6. My uncle works at a monotonous job.
Worksheet 5.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Rewrite the following sentences replacing the selected descriptive adjective with one with a similar meaning below.
parched defective drowsy sugary gorgeous feeble
1. Those are very sweet drinks.
2. Sleepy drivers are dangerous on the road.
3. Anthony had a dry throat after the long walk.
4. The winning model had a beautiful smile.
5. The old man had a weak heartbeat.
6. The explosion was caused by a faulty switch.
Worksheet 6.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Circle the descriptive adjective which has a different meaning to the others in the group.
1. useless neat forlorn futile pointless
2. deserted horrible awful horrid frightful
3. angry icy furious enraged irate
4. wet damp moist soaked shallow
5. hungry weird strange odd eerie
6. dear costly snug pricey expensive
7. dangerous unsafe poor perilous hazardous
8. dark gloomy dim murky sleepy
9. cunning sly wily tame crafty
10. healthy confident sure certain positive
Worksheet 7.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives
are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.
Circle the descriptive adjective which has a different meaning to the others in the group.
1. clever tough brainy smart bright
2. cheerful small bright jolly merry
3. brave attractive valiant heroic courageous
4. trusty reliable simple sure dependable
5. serious fragile frail flimsy brittle
6. grubby grimy weak grotty filthy
7. fantastic furious wonderful fabulous marvellous
8. vacant vicious savage ferocious violent
9. funny amusing comical foolish humorous
10. faint weak awkward feeble frail
Worksheet 8.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.
Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place of the overused adjectives.
massive slight marvellous huge pleasant ghastly enormous miniature disgusting concise delightful unsightly
Nice Ugly
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Small Big
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Worksheet 9.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.
Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place of the overused adjectives.
worthy scorching scalding sinful frigid noble wicked boiling evil frosty wintry reliable Good Bad
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Hot Cold
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Worksheet 10.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.
Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place of the overused adjectives.
rigid current unbreakable mushy ancient inflexible spongy antique modern historic fluffy latest Old New
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Hard Soft
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Worksheet 11.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.
Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place of the overused adjectives.
narrow squat towering slender high lofty broad dense
wide stunted fine stubby
Tall Short
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Thick Thin
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………………… ………………………………….
Worksheet 12.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)
Descriptive adjectives are used in similes. A simile is an
expression in which a person, animal or thing is described as being similar to someone or something else.
Choose the correct descriptive adjective to complete each
of the similes below.
slow agile cold busy black blind sly old
1. as …………….…… as ice
2. as …………………. as coal
3. as …………………. as a fox
4. as …………………. as an ant
5. as …………………. as a bat
6. as …………………. as a monkey
7. as …………………. as a tortoise
8. as …………………. as the hills
Worksheet 13.
Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Proper
adjectives always start with a capital letter.
e.g. India – Indian Sweden - Swedish
Choose the correct proper adjective to complete each
of the sentences below.
Japanese Canadian Turkish American Asian Italian German Tasmanian
1. San Francisco is a North ………..……… city.
2. The moose is a native ……..………… animal.
3. Bonn is the ………..……… capital.
4. Malaysia is an …………..…… country.
5. …………..…… delight is a popular sweet.
6. Hobart is the ………..……… capital..
7. Sumo wrestling is a popular …………..…… sport.
8. Pasta is a popular ……..………… meal.
Worksheet 14.
Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Proper
adjectives always start with a capital letter.
e.g. India – Indian Sweden - Swedish
Choose the correct proper adjective to complete each
of the sentences below.
Israeli Indonesian Irish Scottish Mexican Australian Swiss European
1. Kangaroos and wombats are native ………..……… animals.
2. Spain is a ……..………… country.
3. Jerusalem is the ………..……… capital.
4. The Matterhorn is in the …………..…… Alps.
5. Jakarta is the …………..…… capital.
6. A sombrero is a large ………..……… hat.
7. …………..…… pipe bands play the bagpipes.
8. The Isle of Man is in the ……..………… Sea.
Worksheet 15.
Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Proper
adjectives always start with a capital letter.
e.g. India – Indian Sweden - Swedish
The following athletes represented their country at the Olympic Games.
Write the country they represented on the line provided.
Vietnam Peru Switzerland Ireland Hungary China Cuba Jamaica
1. A Cuban boxer won his middleweight final. ………..………
2. A Chinese diver won the men’s springboard. ……..…………
3. The Jamaican relay team won the silver medal. ………..………
4. A Vietnamese table tennis player won gold. …………..……
5. The Peruvian men’s soccer team were sent home. …………..……
6. A Hungarian weightlifter set a world record. ………..………
7. An Irish runner won the men’s 5000 metres final. …………..……
8. A Swiss athlete won the women’s heptathlon. ……..…………
Worksheet 16.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)
Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership of a thing, place, quality or idea.
e.g. her leg its kennel their house his fear our friends my thoughts
Choose the most appropriate possessive adjective to complete each sentence below.
1. I want to make ……...………. own bed.
(my, her)
2. Conner deserves ……...………. success.
(their, his)
3. The hen protected …...……..…. chicks.
(its, her)
4. Fiona was determined to overcome ….……....…. fear.
(her, its)
5. The team had won …….…….…. last three matches.
(their, its)
6. Chantelle gave the dog ………..……. bone.
(his, its)
7. I decided to do it …………..….. own way.
(my, her)
8. You need to watch ……..….……. head.
(their, your)
Worksheet 17.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)
Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership of a thing, place, quality or idea.
e.g. her leg its kennel their house his fear our friends my thoughts
Choose the most appropriate possessive adjective to complete each sentence below.
1. The boys were expected to do ……...………. own washing.
(his, their)
2. The bull had broken ……...………. chain.
(her, his)
3. Ryan was pleased with …...……..…. results.
(his, their)
4. We were invited to stay at ….……....…. uncle’s farm.
(its, our)
5. The women were proud of …….…….…. achievements.
(their, its)
6. You should wash ………..……. hands before eating.
(their, your)
7. The mare had injured one of …………..….. back legs.
(his, her)
8. My mum was too scared to drive ……..….……. dad’s new car.
(its, my)
Worksheet 18.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)
Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership of a thing, place, quality or idea.
e.g. her leg its kennel their house his fear our friends my thoughts
Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them in the space below.
1. should teeth your clean after you meals .
2. had engine power lost its the .
3. valued the its employees company .
4. from escaped the pen his ram .
5. players coach their supported basketball the .
6. hurt her filly the back .
Worksheet 19.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)
Distributive adjectives refer to a particular group of
people or things.
e.g. each member of the team either way every parking spot neither decision
Select the most appropriate noun to go with the selected
distributive adjective in each sentence below.
corner day golfer horse outcome box hiker boat
1. Every …………….…… has its own groom.
2. Each …………………. carried her own pack.
3. We were happy with either …………………. .
4. There is a sign on every …………………. .
5. Either …………………. should hold twenty bottles.
6. Each …………………. gets longer as summer approaches.
7. Either …………………. could be used for water skiing.
8. Neither …………………. was happy with his round.
Worksheet 20.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)
Distributive adjectives refer to a particular group of
people or things.
e.g. each member of the team either way
every parking spot neither decision
Select the most appropriate noun to go with the selected
distributive adjective in each sentence below.
vehicle girl computer movie dog athlete worker branch
1. Each …………….…… had its own kennel.
2. There was a rose on every …………………. .
3. Either …………………. speaks very confidently.
4. Neither …………………. was fitted with a spare tyre.
5. Every …………………. received a pay rise.
6. Each …………………. has his own training program.
7. Neither …………………. did well at the box office.
8. Each …………………. was sold with a laser printer.
Worksheet 21.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)
Interrogative adjectives are frequently used to ask questions.
e.g. Whose towel was left on the floor?
Which year were you born?
What truck does your dad drive?
Select the most appropriate noun to go with the selected
interrogative adjective in each sentence below.
animal song poem bike months team name idea
1. What …………….…… contains your favourite lyrics?
2. Whose …………………. did you forget?
3. Which ………………. carries its babies in a pouch?
4. What …………………. will you think of next?
5. Which …………………. have thirty one days?
6. Whose …………………. was read to the class?
7. Which …………………. has won its last four games?
8. Whose …………………. has a flat tyre?
Worksheet 22.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)
Interrogative adjectives are frequently used to ask questions.
e.g. Whose towel was left on the floor?
Which year were you born?
What truck does your dad drive?
Select the most appropriate noun to go with the selected
interrogative adjective in each sentence below.
birthday animal time day colour printer mountain money
1. Whose …………….…… was left to pay for the coffee?
2. Which …………………. will suit you best?
3. What ………………. goes with red?
4. Which …………………. needs a new cartridge?
5. What …………………. comes after Wednesday?
6. Whose …………………. is in October?
7. What …………………. has the best skiing?
8. Which …………………. has spots and a long tail?
Worksheet 23.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)
The interrogative adjective whose is used when referring to
people. The interrogative adjectives what and which are used when referring to animals, places and things.
Select the correct interrogative adjective to complete
each sentence below.
1. ……...………. offer did Karen make?
(what, whose)
2. ……...………. car belongs to Mr. Davis?
(whose, which)
3. …...……..…. kindness restored her faith in people?
(which, whose)
4. ….……....…. idea was this?
(whose, what)
5. …….…….…. movie did you watch?
(what, whose)
6. ………..……. tree is the one you fell from?
(whose, which)
7. …………..….. area is best for growing tomatoes?
(what, whose)
8. ……..….……. selfishness caused this situation?
(which, whose)
Worksheet 24.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)
Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out which nouns are being spoken or written about.
These are demonstrative adjectives :- this that those these such
Select the most appropriate noun to go with the selected
demonstrative adjective in each sentence below.
month photograph flowers drawings house athletes teacher nonsense
1. Those …………….…… are done with crayons.
2. That …………………. hates noisy children.
3. These ………………. have all represented their country before.
4. This …………………. has thirty one days.
5. Such …………………. will not be tolerated here.
6. Those …………………. will last for two weeks in water.
7. That …………………. needs a new roof.
8. This …………………. was taken in poor light.
Worksheet 25.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)
The demonstrative adjectives this and that are used
to point out a singular (one) noun.
e.g. this room that book
The demonstrative adjectives these and those are used
to point out a plural (more than one) noun.
e.g. those trees these pages
Select the correct demonstrative adjective to complete
each sentence below.
1. ……...………. channel only shows music clips.
(these, that)
2. ……...………. shoes need new laces.
(those, this)
3. …...……..…. pack of cards has two kings missing.
(that, these)
4. ….……....…. coins are not worth much.
(this, these)
5. …….…….…. month has twenty eight days.
(those, this)
6. ………..……. keyboard needs to be repaired.
(that, those)
7. …………..….. group of words are all verbs.
(that, these)
8. ……..….……. pigs are ready for market.
(this, those)
Worksheet 26.
Numeral adjectives describe the number or the numerical order of things.
There are two types of numerical adjectives.
Cardinal (refer to a number) e.g. three, sixty
Ordinal (refer to a position) e.g. first, seventh
Choose whether the selected word is a cardinal
or an ordinal numerical adjective.
1. Sam did not worry about his last placing. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
2. An octopus has eight tentacles. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
3. Emily took twenty dollars to spend on the trip. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
4. Tuesday is the third day of the week. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
5. September is the ninth month of the year. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
6. My dad will celebrate his fiftieth birthday soon …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
7. A triangle has three sides. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
8. The truck was licensed to carry ten tonnes. …………………
(cardinal or ordinal)
Worksheet 27.
Numeral adjectives describe the number or the numerical order of things.
There are two types of numerical adjectives.
Cardinal (refer to a number) e.g. three, sixty
Ordinal (refer to a position) e.g. first, seventh
Select the correct numeral adjective to complete
each sentence below.
hundred sixth eight first five seventh thirty seven
1. There are …………….…… days in a week.
2. Saturday is the …………………. day of the week.
3. There are one …………………. years in a century.
4. A pentagon has …………………. sides.
5. January is the …………………. month of the year.
6. June is the …………………. month of the year.
7. There are …………………. days in April.
8. A spider has …………………. legs.
Worksheet 28.
Numeral adjectives describe the number or the numerical order of things.
There are two types of numerical adjectives.
Cardinal (refer to a number) e.g. three, sixty
Ordinal (refer to a position) e.g. first, seventh
Select the correct numeral adjective to complete
each sentence below.
three two four third ten thirty last second
1. March is the …………….…… month of the year.
2. A bicycle has …………………. wheels.
3. December is the …………………. month of the year.
4. Monday is the …………………. day of the week.
5. A triangle has …………………. sides.
6. There are …………………. quadrants in a circle.
7. There are …………………. years in a decade.
8. There are …………………. days in November.
Worksheet 29.
ADJECTIVES (Indefinite)
Indefinite adjectives refer to the number of things spoken or written about. However, they do not give an exact number.
These are examples of indefinite adjectives :-
some few many most several much
Select the most appropriate noun to go with the selected
indefinite adjective in each sentence below.
books times runners ways peaches injuries cars time
1. Few …………….…… were left in the parking lot.
2. Much …………………. had been spent perfecting her swing.
3. We knew several …………………. to get to the beach.
4. Many …………………. were caused by a lack of flexibility.
5. Several …………………. were written about her epic journey.
6. We had visited the museum many …………………. .
7. Some …………………. are left on the tree.
8. Most …………………. had slowed to a walk.
Worksheet 30.
ADJECTIVES (Indefinite)
Indefinite adjectives refer to the number of things spoken or
written about. However, they do not give an exact number.
These are examples of indefinite adjectives :-
some few many most several much
Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them in the space below.
1. are responsible very adults most .
2. people afford price that few could .
3. are very people some generous .
4. concern much caused behaviour her .
5. blanket many had old holes the .
6. were missing several from pages magazine the .
Worksheet 31.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)
Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called
degrees of comparison.
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting
Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.
colder dearer heavy heaviest dear coldest dearest cold
1. Saturday was a very …………….…… day.
2. This is a …………………. dress.
3. It is …………………. than yesterday.
4. Mercury is …………………. than lead.
5. This dress is …………………. than that one.
6. This is the …………………. day for two weeks.
7. Lead is a …………………. metal.
8. This dress is the …………………. in the shop.
Worksheet 32.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)
Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called
degrees of comparison.
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting
Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.
long high hot longest hottest longer highest hotter
1. The temperature will be …………….…… than yesterday.
2. Mount Everest is the …………………. mountain in the world.
3. The Mississippi is a …………………. river.
4. This is the ………………. temperature we have had all summer.
5. Mt. McKinley is a …………………. mountain.
6. The Amazon is …………………. than the Mississippi.
7. I sweat a lot on a …………………. day.
8. The Nile is the …………………. river of all.
Worksheet 33.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)
Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called degrees of
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting
Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.
1. This is getting ……...………. unusual by the minute.
(more, most)
2. She was ……...………. cautious the second time around.
(less, least)
3. The puzzle is …...……..…. difficult than the one before.
(more, most)
4. These are the ….……....…. delicious peaches I have ever seen.
(more, most)
5. She will be …….…….…. careful next time.
(more, most)
6. This is the ………..……. interesting book I have ever read.
(more, most)
7. This is the …………..….. comfortable bed I have ever slept in.
(more, most)
8. He was the ……..….……. famous of all the explorers.
(less, least)
Worksheet 34
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)
Some adjectives form their comparisons in an irregular way.
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. many good bad little far
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. more better worse less further
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. most best worst least furthest
Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.
best better further worse least less worst good
1. Fourteen is …………….…… than nineteen.
2. The next town is …………………. away than we thought.
3. Good news is …………………. than bad news.
4. This earthquake is ………………. than the last one.
5. The win was the …………………. news we had ever received.
6. We were happy when we received the …………………. news.
7. The earthquake was the …………………. this century.
8. The rainfall was the …………………. amount ever recorded.
Worksheet 35.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)
Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called degrees of
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting
Use your knowledge of adjectives to complete the table below.
Positive Comparative Superlative
………………….. colder …………………...
………………….. ………………….. easiest
tough ………………….. …………………...
………………….. more graceful …………………...
bad ………………….. …………………...
………………….. ………………….. sweetest
………………….. better …………………...
noisy ………………….. …………………...
………………….. ………………….. least sensible
Worksheet 36.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)
Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding a “–y” ending.
If the noun ends in a single consonant it is normally doubled. If the noun
ends in “e” it is dropped before adding the “y”.
e.g. mist + y = misty sun + y = sunny bone + y = bony
Make adjectives from each of the nouns below by ending “y”.
1. sand + y = …………….……
2. nip + y = …………….……
3. storm + y = …………….……
4. noise + y = …………….……
5. spice + y = …………….……
6. soap + y = …………….……
7. fun + y = …………….……
8. craze + y = …………….……
9. wit + y = …………….……
10. hard + y = …………….……
11. pace + y = …………….……
12. health + y = …………….……
Worksheet 37.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)
Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding :-
–y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ious, -ous, -able, -ate, -ly, -tive etc.
e.g. misery + able = miserable season + al = seasonal
fury + ious = furious fortune + ate = fortunate
Make a suitable adjective from each noun in brackets.
1. a …………….…… day (wind)
2. a …………….…… dress (beauty)
3. a …………….…… position (centre)
4. an …………….…. car (expense)
5. the ………….…… team (nation)
6. a …………….…… suit (fashion)
7. a …………….…… soldier (courage)
8. a …………….…… decision (fortune)
9. a …………….…… teacher (anger)
10. a …………….…… chair (comfort)
11. a …………….…… stranger (mystery)
12. a …………….…… meal (spice)
Worksheet 38.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)
Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding :-
–y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ious, -ous, -able, -ate, -ly, -tive etc.
e.g. misery + able = miserable season + al = seasonal
fury + ious = furious fortune + ate = fortunate
Make a suitable adjective from each noun in brackets.
1. a …………….…… situation (danger)
2. a …………….…… day (cloud)
3. a …………….…… approach (care)
4. an …………….…. drug (harm)
5. the ………….…… accident (dread)
6. a …………….…… decision (doubt)
7. a …………….…… exhaust (noise)
8. a …………….…… coin (value)
9. a …………….…… beach (sand)
10. a …………….…… girl (study)
11. a …………….…… car (rely)
12. a …………….…… scene (peace)
Worksheet 39.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)
Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding :-
–y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ious, -ous, -able, -ate, -ly, -tive etc.
e.g. misery + able = miserable season + al = seasonal
fury + ious = furious fortune + ate = fortunate
Make a suitable adjective from each noun in brackets.
1. an ……..…….…… road (ice)
2. a …………….…… apartment (luxury)
3. a …………….…… disk (flop)
4. an …………….…. politician (influence)
4. a …………….…… switch (fault)
6. an ….……….…… discovery (accident)
7. an …….…….…… jog (ease)
8. an ……….….…… baby (angel)
9. a ……..……..…… dog (faith)
10. a …………….…… sky (star)
11. an ……..…….…… worker (effect)
12. a …………….…… jumper (wool)
Worksheet 40.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)
Some adjectives can be changed to have an opposite meaning by adding
a prefix such as :- im–, dis-, ir-, un-, ine.
g dis + obedient = disobedient im + mature = immature
in + formal = informal un + intelligent = unintelligent
Make an adjective with an opposite meaning by adding
im-, dis-, ir-, un- or in- .
Prefix + Adjective = Opposite Meaning
1. ……… + patient = ……………………..
2. ……… + active = ……………………..
3. ……… + similar = ……………………..
4. ……… + possible = ……………………..
5. ……… + correct = ……………………..
6. ……… + proper = ……………………..
7. ……… + visible = ……………………..
8. ……… + clear = ……………………..
9. ……… + agreeable = ……………………..
10. ……… + happy = ……………………..

Adjective “Worksheets” ANSWERS
Descriptive Adjectives
Worksheet 1
1. huge 2. tall 3. blonde 4. bright 5. clever 6. hot 7. fast 8. red
Worksheet 2
1. cold 2. yellow 3. thirsty 4. heavy 5. strong 6. thick 7. lazy 8. silver
Worksheet 3
1. sharp 2. famous 3. dangerous 4. guilty 5. savage 6. hungry 7. new 8. red
Worksheet 4
1. A dolphin is a clever animal. 2. He has always been a loyal family friend. 3. James has a very brash manner. 4. Our neighbour is a very nosey person.
5. Jessie is good at solving difficult problems. 6. My uncle works at a boring job.
Worksheet 5
1. Those are very sugary drinks. 2. Drowsy drivers are dangerous on the road.
3. Anthony had a parched throat after the walk. 4. The winning model had a gorgeous smile.
5. The old man had a feeble heartbeat. 6. The explosion was caused by a defective switch.
Worksheet 6
1. neat 2. deserted 3. icy 4. shallow 5. hungry 6. snug 7. poor 8. sleepy 9. tame 10. healthy
Worksheet 7
1. tough 2. small 3. attractive 4. simple 5. serious 6. weak 7. furious 8. vacant 9. foolish 10. awkward
Worksheet 8
Nice: marvelous, pleasant, delightful Ugly: ghastly, disgusting, unsightly
Small: slight, miniature, concise Big: massive, huge, enormous
Worksheet 9
Good: worthy, noble, reliable Bad: sinful, wicked, evil
Hot: scorching, scalding, boiling Cold: frigid, frosty, wintry
Worksheet 10
Old: ancient, antique, historic New: current, modern, latest
Hard: rigid, unbreakable, inflexible Soft: mushy, spongy, fluffy
Worksheet 11
Tall: towering, high, lofty Short: squat, stunted, stubby
Thick: broad, dense, wide Thin: narrow, slender, fine
Worksheet 12
1. cold 2. black 3. sly 4. busy 5. blind 6. agile 7. slow 8. old
Proper Adjectives
Worksheet 13
1. American 2. Canadian 3. German 4. Asian 5. Turkish 6. Tasmanian 7. Japanese 8. Italian
Worksheet 14
1. Australian 2. European 3. Israeli 4. Swiss 5. Indonesian 6. Mexican 7. Scottish 8. Irish
Worksheet 15
1. Cuba 2. China 3. Jamaica 4. Vietnam 5. Peru 6. Hungary 7. Ireland 8. Switzerland
Possessive and Distributive Adjectives
Worksheet 16
1. my 2. his 3. her 4. her 5. its 6. its 7. my 8. your
Worksheet 17
1. their 2. his 3. his 4. our 5. their 6. your 7. her 8. my
Worksheet 18
1. You should clean your teeth after meals. 2. The engine had lost its power. 3. The company valued its employees. 4. The ram escaped from his pen. 5. The basketball players
supported their coach. 6. The filly hurt her back.
Worksheet 19
1. horse 2. hiker 3. outcome 4. corner 5. box 6. day 7. boat 8. golfer
Worksheet 20
1. dog 2. branch 3. girl 4. vehicle 5. worker 6. athlete 7. movie 8. computer
Interrogative and Demonstrative Adjectives
Worksheet 21
1. song 2. name 3. animal 4. idea 5. months 6. poem 7. team 8. bike
Worksheet 22
1. money 2. time 3. colour 4. printer 5. day 6. birthday 7. mountain 8. animal
Worksheet 23
1. what 2. which 3. whose 4. whose 5. what 6. which 7. what 8. whose
Worksheet 24
1. drawings 2. teacher 3. athletes 4. month 5. nonsense 6. flowers 7. house 8. photograph
Worksheet 25
1. that 2. those 3. that 4. these 5. this 6. that 7. that 8. those
Numeral Adjectives
Worksheet 26
1. ordinal 2. cardinal 3. cardinal 4. ordinal 5. ordinal 6. ordinal 7. cardinal 8. cardinal
Worksheet 27
1. seven 2. sixth 3. hundred 4. five 5. first 6. sixth 7. thirty 8. eight
Worksheet 28
1. third 2. two 3. last 4. second 5. three 6. four 7. ten 8. thirty
Indefinite Adjectives
Worksheet 29
1. cars 2. time 3. ways 4. injuries 5. books 6. times 7. peaches 8. runners
Worksheet 30
1. Most adults are very responsible. 2. Few people could afford the price. 3. Some people are very generous. 4. Her behaviour caused much concern. 5. The old blanket had many holes. 6. Several pages were missing from the magazine.
Adjectives – Degrees of Comparison
Worksheet 31
1. cold 2. dear 3. colder 4. heavier 5. dearer 6. coldest 7. heavy 8. dearest
Worksheet 32
1. hotter 2. highest 3. long 4. hottest 5. high 6. longer 7. hot 8. longest
Worksheet 33
1. more 2. less 3. more 4. most 5. more 6. most 7. most 8. least
Worksheet 34
1. less 2. further 3. better 4. worse 5. best 6. good 7. worst 8. least
Worksheet 35
Positive: cold, easy, tough, graceful, bad, sweet, good, noisy, sensible
Comparative: colder, easier, tougher, more graceful, worse, sweeter, better, noisier, less sensible
Superlative: coldest, easiest, toughest, most graceful, worst, sweetest, best, noisiest, leastsensible
Forming Adjectives
Worksheet 36
1. sandy 2. nippy 3. stormy 4. noisy 5. spicy 6. soapy 7. funny 8. crazy 9. witty 10. hardy 11. pacy 12. healthy
Worksheet 37
1. windy 2. beautiful 3. central 4. expensive 5. national 6. fashionable 7. courageous 8. fortunate 9. angry 10. comfortable 11. mysterious 12. spicy
Worksheet 38
1. dangerous 2. cloudy 3. careful or careless 4. harmful or harmless 5. dreadful 6. doubtful 7. noisy 8. valuable or valueless 9. sandy 10. studious 11. reliable 12. peaceful
Worksheet 39
1. icy 2. luxurious 3. floppy 4. influential 5. faulty 6. accidental 7. easy 8. angelic 9. faithful 10. starry 11. effective 12. woolen
Worksheet 40
1. impatient 2. inactive 3. dissimilar 4. impossible 5. incorrect 6. improper 7. invisible 8. unclear 9. disagreeable 10. unhappy