Teddy Bear -Lesson Plan
The subject of this week’s lesson is perhaps the world’s most popular toy for small
children: the teddy bear.
Intermediate and above
How to use the lesson
1. Ask your students to come up with the names (in English) of as many toys for
small children as they can think of – the teddy bear is sure to be one of them. How
many of your students had a teddy bear when they were younger? How many still
have one? Ask them to describe any teddy bears (or other soft toys) they have owned.
In what ways did they use to enjoy having a teddy bear (or other soft toy)?
2. Give each student in the class a copy of Worksheet A and give them five to ten
minutes to read through it, encouraging them to look up new vocabulary. Tell the
students it is important that they try to remember as much of the information as
3. Tell the students they are going to prepare a quiz for each other. Then divide the
class into two teams, A and B.
4. Cut Worksheet B in half and give each member of each team the corresponding
half. Explain that each team has to work together in order to formulate the questions
that produce the answers given, based on the text on Worksheet A. Note that it is
possible for there to be slight variations of each question.
5. When both teams have finished preparing their questions, ask them to turn over
Worksheet A and the glossary so that they can’t see them.
6. The two teams now take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. Encourage the
teams to confer before answering, but make it clear that once they have given their
answer they cannot change it. You should only accept answers given in correct
English. Keep the score on the board; the team with the most correct answers at the
end of the quiz wins.
7. Before the next exercise you need to cut Worksheet C into two halves. Divide the
students into pairs, Student A and Student B, and hand out the halves of the worksheet
so that Student A’s grid has the words that Student B’s grid is missing, and vice versa.
The idea is for the students to describe the words they have in their grids so that their
partners can guess what they are, and then fill them in. It is therefore vital that they
don’t show their grids to their partners. Tell the students to describe the words one by
one, and to take it in turns to speak. You could let the students carry on describing the
words for as long as it takes for their partners to identify them, or as a fun alternative
you could impose a time limit for the description of each word.
Before the students begin, point out that all the missing words feature in the text on
Worksheet A.
8. Check answers in open class.
Exercise 1
Team A
1. What was President Roosevelt’s nickname?
2. What kind of teddy bears are sometimes worth a lot of money?
3. When did the ‘Teddy’s Bear’ story take place?
4. What kinds of stuffed toy animal did the Steiff company produce before it started
producing teddy bears?
5. Why did President Roosevelt refuse to shoot the bear that was tied to a tree?
6. Who did the cartoonist work for?
7. Where was the shop that put ‘Teddy’s Bear’ in its window?
8. Who suggested that the Steiff company start making stuffed toy bears?
Team B
1. What was President Roosevelt’s first name?
2. What did the sign next to the first American teddy bear say?
3. When did the Steiff company produce its first teddy bear?
4. Why did the first bears produced by the Steiff company look more like real bears?
5. When are teddy bears a popular present?
6. Where did Mrs Steiff’s nephew make sketches of bear cubs?
7. What did the Steiff company almost certainly not know about?
8. Where in the United States did President Roosevelt go bear hunting in 1902?
Exercise 2
1. nephew 2. acquire 3. drawing 4. stuffed 5. nickname 6. snout 7. sign
8. invent 9. collect 10. cartoon
11. teddy (or Teddy) 12. proper 13. Germany 14. companion