9 to 12 Year Old SPEAKING

                                                                   How to Rate an ESL Student’s English Proficiency Level

With reference to work samples and observations, highlight language capabilities at or above current English Proficiency Level. Rate the student at the level which contains the most highlighting.


Name:                                                                 Date:                                 New Level: ___

Beginner 1
Language Capabilities
Beginner 2
Elementary 3 Language
Elementary 4 Language
Intermediate 5
Language Capabilities
Intermediate 6 Language Capabilities Advanced 7 Language Capabilities
·Watches carefully but may not speak,·Echoes words and phrases of peers and adults,·Uses gestures to express meaning, eg for,needs, likes and dislikes,·,Names some objects and uses occasional isolated words,·Participates,in academic activities by copying actions of others and responding,non-verbally,·Uses basic vocabulary to express immediate,needs Participates in face-to,–face conversation with familiar supportive adult,·Employs various strategies to substitute,unknown vocabulary, eg uses sounds, actions,·Uses approximations to recognisable,structures, in testing hypotheses about language e.g., “Paper bag inside food,eat.”,·Uses meaningful chunks of language, routine,phrases - “good morning …”and formulaic structures e.g., “I am…, I come from…,I want…, I need…, into which new words/phrases are substituted as acquired,·Uses simple
imperatives to
Initiates interactions with,peers and teachers,·Negotiates meaning, e.g., asks for,repetition,·Clarifies meaning by reformulat-ing,utterances,·Generates own language beyond formulae and,2-3 word phrases,·Partici-pates in simple face-to-face and,small-group interactions on familiar topics ·Interacts socially with peers and familiar,adults in most informal school contexts and with teacher on playground duty,,peers in playground games and in informal learning contexts,·Gives personal information and describes,past and present events,·Presents formal oral recount of short series,of events to class, eg morning news (Middle Primary),·Presents short prepared formal oral report,on familiar topic,·Participates in academic learning activities,on familiar topics eg can describe processes such as ‘The Water Cycle’ in,simple terms,·Applies some syntactic rules correctly but,inconsistently eg subject-verb agreement, verb tense appropriate for recounts,and reports,·Forms hypotheses about the rules of English,in order to get meaning across,·Extends speaking
·Speaks fluently in social contexts,·Sustains participation in range of learning,contexts relevant to current phase of schooling,·Understands colloquialisms and some cultural,references (after having been in the Australian school system for a number of,years),·Participates and collaborates in mainstream,class and in group learning activities with peers,·Contributes to new topic-specific,discussions,·Comments,on differences between L1 and English (Upper Primary) Participates actively and,productively in all social and academic learning activities within range of,ability expected at current phase of schooling,·Participates in debates (Upper Primary),,gives prepared talks eg reports and book reviews,·Expresses ideas and opinions relevant to,curriculum areas,·Speaks fluently,·Uses approximations to cover gaps in,vocabulary,·Explains ideas to other learners ·Communicates fluently and accurately in all,social and academic contexts appropriate to this age level and phase of,schooling,·Explains with facility when English term is,unknown eg chat room – “a place on the Internet where people can communicate,at the same time”

What now?

  • Use English Proficiency Levels which correspond to the student’s NEW level as a means of individualising your programme

  • Observe progress and re-level student in a few months time