9 to 12 Year Old Reading
How to Rate an ESL Student’s English Proficiency Level
With reference to work samples and observations, highlight language capabilities at or above current English Proficiency Level. Rate the student at the level which contains the most highlighting.
Name: Date: New Level: ___
Beginner 1 Language Capabilities |
Beginner 2 Language Capabilities |
Elementary 3 Language Capabilities |
Elementary 4 Language Capabilities | Intermediate 5 Language Capabilities |
Intermediate 6 Language Capabilities | Advanced 7 Language Capabilities |
Reads some words from familiar contexts, eg environmental print,·Recognises own name, and words related to immediate environment, eg name of school, familiar street names, classroom items,·Relies heavily on contextual cues, eg pictures, diagrams,·Follows with finger to assist in directionality |
·Recognises and gains meaning from short texts using contextual and visual cues e.g., recent experiences, picture cues, as well as whole word shape,(esp. if L1 script is non-Roman),·Responds appropriately to text e.g., by expressing amusement, surprise, disappointment,·Joins in with key words and repetitive phrases in familiar texts, e.g., picture stories, written chants and rhymes, in shared reading sessions,·Employs some decoding skills when reading unfamiliar English,·Indicates non-understanding, with gestures or simple phrases/questions,·Benefits from reading in L1 and clarifying and discussing texts with L1 peers |
·Comprehends and predicts meaning from short texts in English, on familiar topics, eg simple repetitive narratives, teacher-selected factual texts on familiar curriculum topics, e.g., animal reports,·Recognises words that have been frequently encountered in speaking and listening,·Applies chunks of language internalised through repeated reading, to oral and written language,·Shows comprehension orally,·Verbalises need for assistance with some precision,·Reads simple instructions,e.g., ‘cut out/ underline/circle the…’,·Shows some understanding of metalanguage, i.e. word, letter, page, title |
·Retells stories read in English, including,the details,·Enjoys reading simply structured stories that do not contain many cultural references,·Acquires factual information from small range of texts on familiar topics,·Follows sets of simple instructions,·Shows com-prehension through oral and written forms,·Responds appropriate-ly to cues from task instructions, eg list, true/false, match |
·Retells stories in summary form,·Comprehends with some depth a wide range of texts related to personal, social and general school contexts,·,Reads subject-specific texts and more complex learning materials with some depth of understanding,·,Identifies main idea and some supporting details from expository texts on familiar, subject-specific topics,·,Understands gist of new topics |
·Comprehends most factual and literary texts at level and within ability range expected at current phase of schooling,·Skims, scans, gets the gist, and summarises factual texts appropriate to current phase of schooling,·Uses information acquired through reading to find relationships make inferences and draw conclusions,,as appropriate to current phase of schooling,·Reads complex texts for gist, not losing thread e.g., at word level reading,·Comprehends a range of complex structures,·Comprehends some frequently-occurring, culturally specific references including nuances, metaphors and subtle humour,·Demonstrates facility with broad range of vocabulary items |
·Comprehends texts for the range of purposes and across the range of social and academic contexts at level of current phase of schooling,·Comprehends texts with fluency, within same time frame as native English speaking peers,·Takes notes and summarises material from variety of sources, eg newspapers, leaflets, library references, maps (Upper Primary),·Evaluates applicability of information within range of ability expected at current phase of schooling,·Comprehends most cultural references, including nuances, metaphors, and subtle humour generally encountered in texts at current phase of schooling |
What now?
Use English Proficiency Levels which correspond to the student’s NEW level as a means of individualising your programme
Observe progress and re-level student in a few months time