5 to 8 Year Old LISTENING
How to Rate an ESL Student’s English Proficiency Level
With reference to work samples and observations, highlight language capabilities at or above current English Proficiency Level. Rate the student at the level which contains the most highlighting.
Name: Date: New Level: ___
Beginner 1 Language Capabilities |
Beginner 2 Language Capabilities |
Elementary 3 Language Capabilities |
Elementary 4 Language Capabilities | Intermediate 5 Language Capabilities |
Intermediate 6 Language Capabilities | Advanced 7 Language Capabilities |
Watches and imitates | Listens, observes and absorbs language used in context |
Picks out key words/phrases from TV programs and teacher talk on familiar topics |
Comprehends social English in familiar contexts with occasional help |
Comprehends English in range of social contexts pertinent to age level, with little help |
Comprehends English easily in most social and learning contexts relevant to own age and phase of schooling |
Comprehends all spoken texts in both social and classroom contexts within the range of ability expected at current phase of schooling |
Joins in activities but may not speak |
Comprehends and responds physically and/or verbally to,- high frequency greetings, courtesy phrases and simple directions,-simple instructions,-simple questions |
Comprehends and responds to routine enquiries on familiar topics, eg school, home, self etc,,(yes/no questions) |
Follows instructions within classroom learning activities |
Comprehends main points and most detail on familiar topics |
Understands extended teacher talk at normal speed with both familiar and unfamiliar topics |
Comprehends most Australian idiomatic expressions and cultural references |
Asks for translation into L1 or seeks clarification from L1 speakers |
Predicts meaning from familiar contexts, with visual support |
Follows a short sequence of instructions related to classroom procedures, eg “Bring your book to me and show me your work.” |
Understands some complex structures: a range of prepositions; simple cohesive devices; instructional language; negatives; prohibitives |
Comprehends gist of new topic-specific language and complex structures |
Follows quick interactions and changes in topic | |
Interprets non-verbals and intonation patterns | Connects English words with L1 concepts | Concentrates well on lessons which address familiar topics |
Understands idioms and colloquialisms relevant to age group e.g. ‘We had a barbie on the weekend and I talked my head off.’ |
Distinguishes between intonation patterns eg question/,statement, imperative |
Sustains understanding of main ideas in group or whole class discussion |
Comprehends well despite background noise |
What now?
Use the English Proficiency Levels which correspond to the student’s NEW level as a means of individualising your programme
Observe progress and re-level student in a few months time