5 to 8 Year Old WRITING

                                                                  How to Rate an ESL Student’s English Proficiency Level

With reference to work samples and observations, highlight language capabilities at or above known English Proficiency Level. Rate the student at the level which contains the most highlighting.

Name:                                                                                 Date:                       New Level: ___

Beginner 1
Language Capabilities
Beginner 2
Elementary 3 Language
Elementary 4 Language Capabilities Intermediate 5
Language Capabilities
Intermediate 6 Language Capabilities Advanced 7 Language Capabilities
· Has an understanding of some
basic conventions of print e.g. directionality (similar script learners),· Shows awareness of texts
presented via various platforms and technologies – newspapers, storybooks,
billboards, computer games,· Shows knowledge of
environmental and functional texts eg signs, labels,· Uses drawing to communicate
meaning.,· Copies writing/pictures from
others or from blackboard, without understanding meaning/context.,· Uses limited English
vocabulary or L1 to talk about pictures
· Uses direction of left to
right and top to bottom consistently.,· Makes approximations to
letters, words and texts by stringing random letters together left to right,· Attaches some meaning to
their writing expressed verbally in L1 or in limited English eg stlvwss= ‘I
love my Mum’,· Draws pictures as the
context for writing,· Responds (yes/no) to simple
questions in English about own pictures, for teacher to expand and scribe.,· Copies from environmental
print,· Labels, writes own
name on and provides limited English comments for own pictures
conventions of print i.e. punctuatio,· n, capitalization,· Writes simple sentences,to convey meaning,· Uses simple
connectives-coordinator-and,· Self corrects,· Memorises short whole words
or invents spellings which are close to standard and often reflect
pronunciation,· Writes some phonemes of more
complex words,· Consigns a consistent
message to writing,· Writes legibly,· Writes short texts
such as recounts (often as captions for drawings or as diary entries) on
familiar environment and experiences eg people, pets, home, school
·Adds detail to simple
sentences,· Uses compound sentences,· Uses a range of cohesive
devices – because, and, but, pronoun reference,· Spells words according to
pronunciation and knowledge of spelling patterns,· Shows awareness of audience
and purpose,· Writes simple short versions
of a variety of generic structures on familiar topics e.g., simple letters,
greetings in cards, simple descriptions, simple recounts, journal entries,· Writes texts
containing related ideas around a central topic or theme
· Writes medium length texts
with some fluency,· Shows awareness of a growing
range of vocabulary alternatives,· Draws on pronunciation to make
some spelling approximations,· Shows some control
over a variety of generic structures (simple letters, greetings, descriptions,
recounts, narratives) and writing strategies within familiar topics
· Writes longer texts due to
increased speed and fluency,· Has a well developed
vocabulary range for phase of schooling,· Uses correct tense/time
orientation,· Writes, with control
of structure, most text types at level of peers e.g., narratives, lists,
recounts, reports, instructions, observations (as in scientific reports)
· Completes work in mainstream
time limits,· Writes competently for
variety of audiences and purposes across the curriculum,· Has a developing knowledge
of 2nd culture which may be reflected in writing

What now?

  • Use the Teaching English Proficiency Levels which correspond to the student’s NEW level as a means of individualising your programme.

  • Observe progress and re-level student in a few months time.