5 to 8 Year Old READING
How to Rate an ESL Student’s English Proficiency Level
With reference to work samples and observations, highlight language capabilities at or above known English Proficiency Level. Rate the student at the level which contains the most highlighting.
Name: Date: New Level: ___
Beginner 1 Language Capabilities |
Beginner 2 Language Capabilities |
Elementary 3 Language Capabilities |
Elementary 4 Language Capabilities | Intermediate 5 Language Capabilities |
Intermediate 6 Language Capabilities | Advanced 7 Language Capabilities |
Recognises own name Comprehends through contextual cues, eg,pictures and facial expressions of other readers Recognises some letters and high frequency,environmental print for which meaning is given, eg Police, Stop, school,·Shows awareness of different forms of text –,signs, labels, storybooks, newsletters, newspapers,·Has an understanding of some basic,conventions of print,· Exhibits reading-like,behaviour e.g., chooses a book, turns pages, studies pictures |
Uses some contextual and,visual cues (letter/word shapes, pictures) to gain meaning,·Recognises words and short word clusters,which have been frequently encountered.,·Focuses on whole word rather than parts,(esp. if L1 script is non-Roman),·Joins in shared reading with key words,,nouns/ verbs associated with picture, repetitive phrases, chants and rhymes,·Responds to text appropriately in the right,places e.g., by expressing surprise/ amusement/,disappointment | Reads short familiar texts,with frequently encountered words and word clusters,·Self-corrects errors when reading some,structural words.,·Attempts to decode known and unknown words,·Reads own stories to peers and teachers,using word recognition skills and memory,·Follows along as teacher reads short,,simple, repetitive, illustrated narratives and joins in with known sections,·Asks for clarification of meaning |
·Reads independently within small range of text,types extending to various subject areas,·Retells simple stories,·Applies a range of skills with growing,confidence e.g., predicts, applies new sight vocabulary, confirms, decodes,,re-reads, refers to illustrations,·Gets the gist of jointly constructed texts,based on shared experience,·Gains meaning from short repetitive,narratives, simple procedures, simple invitations, letters, thankyou,notes,·Asks for help with meaning and pronunciation,·Shows some understanding of simple metalanguage associated with books and reading |
Comprehends with some depth and ability to predict, most,simple mainstream texts on familiar topics including narratives,,informational texts and procedures,·Shows awareness that the same word may be,used in different ways, e.g., He cried when he fell down/ “I’ve got it!” she,cried,· Com-,prehends most texts at,literal level | Follows the thread of more,complex texts through understanding of cohesion, e.g.,, because, before this,happened, pronoun reference, (even if referent is far removed from earlier,noun),·Comprehends texts at literal, inferential,and evaluative levels: narratives, procedures – instructions, informational,texts, simple poems and rhymes at level appropriate to grade,·Are able to comprehend, and,may choose to read, more concept-dense texts during free reading time e.g.,,factual texts about countries, animals | Comprehends all texts relevant,to age and grade level,·Under-stands some culturally-specific,language,·Under-stands simple poems, rhymes, idioms,,metaphors and humorous references relevant to age group |
What now?
Use the English Proficiency Levels which correspond to the student’s NEW level as a means of individualising your programme
Observe progress and re-level student in a few months time