9 to 12 Year Old WRITING

                                                                    How to Rate an ESL Student’s English Proficiency Level

With reference to work samples and observations, highlight language capabilities at or above current English Proficiency Level. Rate the student at the level which contains the most highlighting.


Name:                                                                              Date:                       New Level: ___

Beginner 1
Language Capabilities
Beginner 2
Elementary 3 Language
Elementary 4 Language
Intermediate 5
Language Capabilities
Intermediate 6 Language Capabilities Advanced 7 Language Capabilities
· Copies words from
environmental print and phrases from the classroom context with limited
understanding of meaning,·Under-stands the writing
processes expected at current year level,·Translates,(using a bilingual dictionary),· Writes, in L1, a range of
texts relevant to L1 experiences
· Reproduces environmental
print and sentences from teacher’s scribing with some understanding of meaning,· Writes learned phrases,· Completes short cloze
activities around familiar language,· Draws as a means of self
expression (esp. middle primary) and provides limited English comments verbally,· Writes captions/labels on
pictures, diagrams,· Contributes to/participates
a minimal level) whole class and group constructions of text
·Generates own short texts
e.g., recounts, letters, descriptions on familiar topics (esp. self, family,
school),· Predicts spelling of words
from oral vocabulary so that approxima-tions reflect pro-nunciation
· Writes simple texts e.g.,
recounts,procedures,· Writes longer texts with
greater speed, fluency and willing-ness to take risks,· Spells words according to
pronuncia-tion,· Writes in L1,(if
· Writes recounts, narratives,
story retellings and short information reports etc as expected at current phase
of schooling,· Reads, re-reads and edits
own writing,· Draws on themes and ideas
from reading,· Writes in a more written (as
opposed to more spoken) style i.e., using endophoric,(internal)
reference and higher lexical density (ratio of content word to clauses),· Uses a range of cohesive
devices such as coordinators- so, but, and, or- to form compound sentences and
subordinators- because, however, if, when to form complex sentences and
internal reference such as ellipsis (information understood but not stated) and
pronoun reference (the draft-it)
· Writes at the level expected
for current phase of schooling e.g. takes notes and writes a researched report,·Organises a series of main
ideas and details within narratives, reports and other texts as evidenced by
effective para-graphing,,use
of simple and complex sentence structures,and
use of appropriate connectors,·Under-,stands
the use of complex verbal meanings such as relationships of time, expression of
tentativeness and subtle intention with ‘might’ or ‘could’
·Writes competently for a
range of purposes and audiences across a range of social and academic contexts
within the range of ability expected at current phase of schooling,· Uses language appropriate to
different writing tasks at the level of current age and phase of schooling,· Has a well-developed control
of grammar and vocabulary within the range of language expected at middle-upper
primary phase,· Conveys precise meaning
(within the range of ability expected at current phase of schooling) in complex
and abstract activities across the curriculum,· Completes work in mainstream
time limits

What now?

  • Use English Proficiency Levels which correspond to the student’s NEW level as a means of individualising your programme

  • Observe progress and re-level student in a few months time